
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Just a Litter Note...

Since April is Humour Month the Paper Players challenge this week is Tickle Your Funnybone.  I like silly puns and Paper Smooches images seem to be perfect for these types of cards.  I used the cat from Chubby Chums for this one.

 Tomorrow is a public holiday here in Bermuda and instead of flying kites (see this post for an explanation) Luis and I will be carrying on with our house painting.  I have the dubious honour of completely emptying the Craft Cave.  Oy vey!!  Any bets on how far I get before I get distracted and start making something??

Cardstock:  (Kraft) PTI, (White) Bazzill, (Night of Navy) SU
Stamps:  (Cat from Chubby Chums) Paper Smooches, (Letters from Smitty's ABCs) Lawn Fawn
Inks:  (VersaMark, Memento Tuxedo Black) Tsukineko, (Night of Navy, Tangerine Tango) Stampin' Up
Copics:  YR07, YR04, RV13, B39


  1. CUTE!! I love this, Jen! So creative and that sentiment totally makes me giggle.

    Good luck with your mission tomorrow - very difficult one to do, I know. But think, the sooner you do it, the quicker your stuff will be back in the room once it is all painted. Hope the distractions don't prove too distracting! :)

  2. oh WOW Jen. This card is sooooooo cute. I love that little Chubby Chums cat. Now I'm going to have to go find where you got him from!

    Good luck with your painting/moving...that doesn't sound like so much fun :-(.

  3. Heehee! Love your punny sentiment and all those cutie cats peeking out! Enjoy your holiday and house painting!

  4. Ha... I love a punny card and this is fantastic! Good luck with the craft cave cleaning. ;)

  5. Super punny card!

    Okay , you win...I 'just' have to move anything that touches the carpeting...

  6. Jen, this is ADORABLE! I laughed out loud at those cute, bright, chubby cats. Great, great card.

  7. Super cute, Jen! Haven't done a Paper Players in ages ... must pop by and have a look! Thanks so much for all the blog love you left for me recently! Hugs xxx

  8. So you want a time estimate or a fraction? I'm going to guess you will hold out until halfway. I have faith in ya!
    I love this card - pretty sure my cat did that exact dance this morning while waiting for breakfast. And pun? Yay!

  9. SO CUTE, but NOT as cute as the card that was delivered here today~! i am completely overwhelmed my sweet .. the peeps are over the moon and your bermuda goodies have been around helensville and back with the peeps showing ALL their friends in excitment! we went out late last night and purchased all the stuff for kite making and flying, we are going by bermuda time and will actually be flying them tomorrow ... so we will do it on behalf you and luis :) YOU ARE AMAZING JEN! (will put some photos up tomorrow of the kite flying!)

  10. and by today, i mean late last night when we got home ... so the peeps only saw the goodies today, but steve and i couldn't wait to see what was inside~! :o)

  11. I recently had to move out for my husband to paint my room... it's a total pain, but well worth the effort, such a good time for a 'clean out'. ps LoVe the pun and those cute cats!

  12. Those cats are adorable! Have a good Easter Jen, Vicky x

  13. You card makes me smile! And oh my...on cleaning the craft cave...look at the bright side, if you're like me you'll find things you forgot you will be like Christmas!

  14. Very cute card!!! LOVE those little kitties! And good luck on cleaning out and painting. Yes, I would get distracted too! Thanks for playing with the Paper Players this week!

  15. Adorable, Jen - love the color of those critters. Looks like they are having way too much fun. Sorry you have a weekend of clearing & painting, but the results will be well worth it. You can have fun with it, I bet.

  16. Oh, how hysterical! I can relate to this. Fabulous card and a great take on the challenge.
    So glad you joined the Paper Players this week

  17. Adorable, Jen! Not only are the "fat cats" super cute...I LOVE the sentiment! What a hoot! Great job with the challenge! Thanks for playing with The Paper Players!

  18. Okay! Had a good giggle with this one! Love it Jen and those kitties are adorable! Thank you for joining us at the Paper Players.

  19. Any cards with a cat is awesome in my book! How's your boot camp thingy going? Done any burpees yet?

  20. Eek! How cute is this!!! Love the little paw prints... sort of like what my cat leaves behind in litter-dust after using the facilities! :P
    Think of all the fun stuff you'll find while emptying the craft cave!

  21. This is so so adorable!!! Love the pun!!!!

  22. Jen, this cracked me up!! How stinkin' cute are those kities! I have a kitty who can sport this very expression at the drop of a hat, too. Such a fun card and an awesome take on the challenge! So glad you joined us this week at the Paper Players! :)

  23. Humor indeed! This card is sure a lot of fun! Good luck with that painting and not getting distracted.

  24. Oh goodness...the cats and the matching sentiment are just too much. I love it!! Great card for The Paper Players this week!

    ~Heidi at

  25. That is one happy cat!! and one Happy Card!! Great card for this challenge! Thanks for joining us at Paper Players "funnybone challenge"

    Shirley GD

  26. Awww wish I'd thought of this card!
    I love those peeping toms..haha and what an excellent pun too :0)
    Jenny x

  27. I'm betting you didn't make it too far in the clearing out process before you made something ;) This card is hilarious! I've never seen that pun used--you're so clever!

  28. LOL, this is hilarious! So much fun!!


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