
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I was excited to have an unexpected bit of time to spend in the Craft Cave today and got right to work on an entry for the latest CAS-ual Fridays Challenge - Name That Tune.  I was flipping through my stamp books and came across this Unity airplane.  John Denver's Leaving on a Jet Plane instantly popped into my head.  Now, I wouldn't generally describe my self as a John Denver kind of gal but we always used to sing this at summer camp on our last night by the campfire. I only ever got through the first verse or so before dissolving into a blubbering mess.  I really loved my time at camp and hated the end of the summer.  This song always brings back lots of wonderful memories.  :)  

Cardstock:  (White & grey) Bazzill, (Night of Navy) Stampin' Up

Stamps:  (Airplane from Mr. Boy, Sentiment from Dec '11 KOM - Filled With Love) Unity, (Background Basics: Chevrons) PTI
Ink:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko, (Night of Navy, Pacific Point, Marina Mist, Bashful Blue, Basic Grey) Stampin' Up
Embossing Powder:  (Clear) Ranger
Dies:  (Clouds) PTI
Gems:  Doodlebug 


  1. Love the story behind the card and the card itself :)

  2. I'll have that song in my head while I sleep! But this is a perfect card, the modern twist with the chevron is awesome.

  3. Super card - love the chevron sky! I really like the story too. Great work.

  4. Love your color palette...come on now...I'll sing John Denver with you!

  5. ADORE!! Every detail just makes me smile!! Thanks for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays! We're so glad you did!!

  6. This is fabulous! Love the blue chevrons - great scene! Perfect CAS card!

  7. Saw this in the CAS-ual Fridays entries and had to come over to tell you how much I loved it!

  8. So cool! Love your chevrons sky!

  9. Oh, I love John Denver! :) This is a fabulous card. The chevron stripes make a great backdrop for your jet plane. :) Ann Y.

  10. This is wonderful Jen - you're really making the most of the chevron trend! I love how textured your card is. Vicky x

  11. How totally awesome is your chevron sky!!!! Another fabulous design Jen! ps congrat on your recent wins in the Moxie World!

  12. I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again... yep, that song is going to be stuck in my head for the next three weeks, argh!! Great card, I love it. I also love your story behind it. I do like John Denver (but don't have any of his music). This song was on Armageddon when Ben Affleck was going into space and saying good-bye to Liv Tyler (I love that movie). :-)

  13. I love your card and what a great story to go with it, hugs x x

  14. I'm with Michelle - I know it's a John Denver song, but now forever in my mind it's from Armageddon (and I blubber like a baby too...sigh)
    I love the chevron sky (awesome idea!) and the popped up clouds, and the sentiment. I want to make a 'miss you' card today.

  15. I love chevron sky. Cool idea! Aweome design, Jen!

  16. Loved your sweet story (sob!) and love this dear card - lots of punch with the great white space. And those trendy chevrons - a perfect match for the plane. You rocked another one.

  17. Brilliant card. Love it. But then again, I'm a John Denver fan! But even better is the version by Peter, Paul, & Mary! (I think they wrote it, but I might be wrong)

  18. This is cute! What a great addition of the chevron stripes! I actually love this song alot!

  19. John Denver's song are all American classic and they stay with me...Love that song and your sweet card is so perfect in every way! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  20. Chevron sky... brilliance! Love this, Jen.

  21. Waaaaah!! LOVE this! That chevron sky is killing me!

  22. That chevron sky is amazing! Love your song choice.

  23. Awww shucks! Memories ... aren't they sweet! I wish we had the summer camp culture here in Aus! TV & Movies make it appear so cool! Hugs xxx

  24. not a john denver fan either, but i am pretty sure everyone knows this song ... my mother-in-law loves him! love the chevron behind the plane, looks so cool, how do you come up with these ideas girl????????

  25. Awesome card Jen! Love your chevrons in monochromatic! Very, very cute card!

  26. Loving that chevron sky!!!! I love the gradient stamping too:)

  27. Well because I'm so behind in commenting this week it's all been said!!
    I too love the chevron but the white space is just as cool :0)
    Great song I've heard but wouldn't have known it was John Denver! Summer camp sounds more grown up than Girl Guide camp...we used to sing Ging gang gooly!!
    Jenny x

  28. Ha ha! I'm going to be singing that song all night (I love John Denver--the songs, not him, especially since he's dead). The chevrons look so good. I think that may be the best airplane I've seen--love it! Hope the painting is going well.

  29. FAB card..chuckling on your John Denver disclaimer.

  30. absolutely brilliant! the story, the balance, the chevron, the gradient blues, the plane & clouds, the bling & sentiment, love it all!


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