
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Embossing Powder Drama

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I am so glad that I'm feeling so much more productive this week!  Last week I had a headache that wouldn't quit and nothing was translating from my brain to paper.  It was so frustrating but thankfully I seem to be past that little hump.  Well, except for the fact that I spilled an entire container of white embossing powder today.  And I couldn't spill it somewhere simple like the middle of my desk.  Oh no.  It was all over the floor, in my shoes, in my surge protector - everywhere!!!  And the worst part is - it was my only container.  If I order some immediately I might receive it by the end of next week.  This is when living in Bermuda sucks.  Can't just pop out to Michael's or Hobbycraft for more supplies.  Gotta order it and wait.  And I'm not so good at waiting...
Enough whining and on to the card which is inspired by the colours at the Inkspirations challenge.  Rich Razzleberry and Chocolate Chip are some of my favourite SU colours so I was happy to put them together.  I'm finally inking up some PTI Christmas stamps. Unfortunately, although I ordered them at the beginning of last December, they didn't get to me until January so they've been collecting dust since then.  It's nice to finally put them to use.  :)    
Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Rich Razzleberry, Pretty in Pink, Chocolate Chip) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Snowflakes & mittens from Winter Swirls set and sentiment from Stocking Prints set) PTI
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko, (Rich Razzleberry) Stampin' Up
Embossing Powder:  (Seafoam White) Ranger
Dies:  (Nestabilities Blossoms Two)  Spellbinders
Impression Plate:  (Linen) PTI
Twine:  The Twinery
Brad:  Doodlebug


  1. i know what you mean ... oh to have a michaels or a craft store just down the road would be awesome ... those mittens are so cute :)

  2. Oh no...that would not be good! I can't imagine trying to vacuum embossing powder up...not fun!

    But...I do love your is a gorgeous take on the color challenge! Too bad we can't schedule an express crafting jet to Bermuda!

  3. Hey, at least it was just embossing powder and not something more gooey and gross. Maybe you need a backup cannister! ;) This card is super gorgeous though and makes up for the loss of your powder!

  4. I learned a great tip from Kristina Werner. You pour your containers of embossing powder into a ziploc treat container, big enough to hold a plastic spoon. Then, you can just pour the embossing powder back over that container and it is big enough to catch everything. You don't have to worry about a little jar or bumping into something little. Perhaps you already did have your embossing powder stored like this, and in that case, that stinks! Your card is lovely, I think the colors are amazing for a holiday card!

  5. These colours are gorgeous together, and I love how you've used them in this card! At least when you get Christmas stamps after Christmas, they're new to use come this time of year! Good luck waiting for your embossing powder... I'd be lost without mine, that's for sure!

  6. Such an awesome colour combo for a Xmas card! Love the way the mittens are hanging from the brad, that is just too cute!!

  7. ooops...not the easiest stuff to pick up and now you'll have to order extra stash too to make the postage worthwhile!!! ;)
    Love the colours on this gorgeous card, the mittens on the string are so cute :)
    Jenny x

  8. I bet I'm not the only one who gasped in dismay for you. I too have spilled embossing powder, though luckily not the whole thing. It's like glitter, though, it sticks around for-e-ver. Ugh. I can't imagine how you'll clean the surge protector all the way either. Yuck.
    That said, totally loving your card - the texture of the base, the pinks & brown together, the sweet hanging mittens...but yeah, still picturing the EP mess. *shudder*

  9. Aw man, that just stinks. I hate it when I do silly things like that. Hope you don't have to wait too long.

    This card is AMAZING. Love the different colors and the adorable mittens.

  10. Love how you used the colours on a winter card - it looks great!! Those hanging mittens are super cute!!

  11. Ugh, that sucks about the embossing powder. It's too bad you can't get to supplies's too bad you can't get back-ups of everything (LOL!). Your card turned out so pretty! I love the mittens stamp and the color combo you used.

  12. So ... mystery solved! I was wondering why you mentioned you were waiting for your white embossing powder to arrive (in a comment on my blog!) I can just imagine your frustration ... when the powder landed all over everything! How fun ... last year's stamps ... but un-inked! Just like getting new ones!!! Your card doesn't show any of the stresses or headaches!!! Hugs xx


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