
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Monochromatic Trees

***This is my 3rd post for today!***
Click here for my Play Date Cafe / Wee Memories post
Click here for my Use It Tuesday post
Click here for a chance to win a Print Candee gift certificate
Just a quick post as I've already had more than enough to say today.  :)  This card is for several challenges.  4 Crafty Chicks is hosting a monochromatic challenge and over at Just Add Ink the theme is Just Add a Die Cut.  I'm also going to enter this in the Hero Arts monthly challenge under the holiday cards theme.  Have a lovely evening!

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Garden Green, Certainly Celery, Wild Wasabi, Pear Pizzazz) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Trees from Merry Christmas Trees set, Sentiment from Holiday Sayings set) Hero Arts
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko, (Garden Green) Stampin' Up
Embossing Powder:  (Clear) Ranger

Dies:  (Nestabilities Labels Seventeen)  Spellbinders
Gem:  Craft supply


  1. Great shaped card, you've inspired me to get out my nesties!

  2. You've been busy in the craft cave! This is a very elegant Christmas card, love it!

  3. Absolutely stunning card. I love the shape of it an the tree's are gorgeous. Thank for sharing your creation with us at 4 Crafty Chicks. Love an awesome Christmas card.

  4. Fabulous Christmas trees - I do like the embossing - and I adore green. Fab!

  5. Wow! You have been a busy girl! Thanks for popping by today! Hugs xx

  6. LOVE it Jen! Awesome mix of greens and fab embossing! You go girl!

  7. Beautifully done Jen, l love the soft subtle colours and clean lines.
    Thanks for playing at Just Add Ink.

  8. And to think that I passed up those tree stamps because I thought I had too many. Your card is stunning and I wish I could be CASing your card right now!

  9. This is gorgeous, Jen!! I really love it. Hope you are a winner with this one.

  10. Love the shaped card Jen and those pretty trees too :)
    I'm seriously playing catch up here but gaining loads of inspiration as I go :)
    Jenny x

  11. Wow lovely.


  12. These trees are gorgeous - I love the combination of greens you've used, and look at that crisp edge embossing! Gorgeous, gorgeous :)

  13. gorgeous shaped card.

  14. You've been busy this week! Love, love, love your card. The Nestie is super cool and I LOVE the embossed trees. Very cool!


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