
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Circles Circles Circles

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Today's card is to be entered in the Embellish challenge (to use the colour palette and circles) and also in A Passion for Papertrey's Goin' Geometric challenge.  I used more of my 2010 PTI Christmas stamps on this card and, of course, that PTI embossing folder had to be used!  It's so perfect for both challenges!
Thankfully I managed to complete this project yesterday just before the embossing powder fiasco.  Whew!  That would have been tragic to grind to a halt right in the middle of a card.  :)  
Clearly all the Christmas goodies popping up online are starting to get to me since this is my third Christmas card in a row.  Perhaps the cooler weather is helping too.  After it poured with rain all day last Tuesday the humidity and the temperatures both dropped.  What a relief to turn off the air con and have all the windows and doors wide open for some much needed fresh air.  Love it!
Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White)  Bazzill Basics,  (Old Olive, Riding Hood Red, Chocolate Chip) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Sentiments from Holiday Tree set) PTI
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko,  (Old Olive, Riding Hood Red, Chocolate Chip) Stampin' Up
Embossing Powder:  (Seafoam White) Ranger
Impression Plate:  (Linen) PTI
Twine:  The Twinery
Gems:  Doodlebug


  1. Love how you used the circle sentiments to create the ornaments...and the gems in the middle are the perfect touch!

  2. super card...lovin' all the circles!

  3. Brilliant design ideas for the baubles and that IP just had to be used, you're on a creative roll at the moment and I've got to the top of my dashboard and feel creative too but now it's dog walking time *sigh*
    ...perhaps later!
    Jenny :)

  4. Oh, I love all the movement in this design! The circles are fabulous, and the ornament bling is perfect for those bigger gems, and the it :)

  5. Love it! The baubles are super, lovely rich colours and I do like the gems in the centre of each. It feels good to get the Christmas cards made!

  6. This card is brilliant! I love the circles-as-ornaments, the (phew!) use of white ep, the big bling, and the circles echoed on the card base.

  7. That embossing plate is going into my next order. Such a fun card! I had a similar idea but failed to execute it as good as yours. Glad I saw this one and it will save me the embarrassment of posting mine.

  8. Love your circle ornaments and perfect on that background.

  9. Too cute Jen! Love the embossed baubles and that circle background is awesome (I *need* that one)!

  10. love circles so this is definitely a favourite card ... love the design :)

  11. This is so cute! I love the ornaments hung by twine and the rhinestones! Great job!

  12. Soooo cool! You make the coolest cards, girl! The embossing is fabulous (both dry and heat). Speaking of dry heat, it's hard to get into the Christmas spirit when it's still 80 out (which is probably why I always order my Christmas cards--LOL)!

  13. Goin' ga-ga over circles on this beauty, Jen! What gorgeous baubles and fabulous coordinating impressed background!
    Thanks for joining us on A Passion for Papertrey!

  14. Into my 'TO CASE' file ... and I imagine you will pop by my blog one day soon ... and see my version of this fabbo card! (Don't have the embossing folder ... so it will be 'tweaked'!) Hugs xx

  15. I was wondering if anyone was going to do a Christmas card with these colors. ;) So glad you did! This is awesome. So simple, but totally perfect. Thanks for playing along with us at Embellish!


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