
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bright Birthday Wishes

Happy Saturday, everyone!  Just popping in quickly with some bright colours from this week's Colour Throwdown challenge.  I don't have any Taken With Teal paper and the paper I used looks a lot closer to the right colour in real life than in this picture.  Ah well... C'est la vie!  One day I'll get around to figuring out how to fix colours in Photoshop.  :)
Supplies:  CS: SU & mystery paper; Stamps: Hero Arts; Ink: VersaFine; Glitter: Stickles Cotton Candy
I pulled out some Cotton Candy Stickles to add a little touch of sparkle to the centre of the flower and the brackets around the sentiment.  I never seem to have enough birthday cards so I'm always happy to add one to the stash.  

Must dash as we're having friends over for a BBQ tonight and I need to play some ball with the dogs.  We took them for a long swim in hopes of tiring them out before everyone arrives but they know something's up and are getting themselves hyped!  Maybe some ball time will help...  Have a lovely evening!  


  1. Another beautiful bold creation!

  2. Love your bold bright flower and those glittered brackets! Another fab CAS design! Hope you enjoy your BBQ.

  3. What color is "mystery paper?" LOL! Love that stamp and the colors look fab. Awesome card! Have fun at the BBQ!

  4. Did you cut the flower out by hand? Looks fabulous!

  5. Whoa... this is so bright and funky, love the glitter too.
    Your BBQ sounds great ...I would love to be there too and I'd play ball with the dogs too :)
    Jenny x

  6. I love everything about this card - that flower, the design, the color combo and those Stickles. Gorgeous!

  7. Teal or not, it's gorgeous! I hope you are linking this to the Hero Arts July Contest - Summertime!


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