
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Butterfly Rainbow

Whoo hoo!  Look at me!  Posting a card for a challenge 4 days ahead of the closing date!  I'm trying to stop with the last minute stuff and get a bit more organised.  We'll see how long that lasts!

More bright, fun colours from this week's ColourQ challenge.  I pulled out a stamp from Unity's June Kit of the Month and stamped it a few times on different colour cardstock using VersaFine Vintage Sepia.  Then I stamped it again and fussy cut a butterfly from each colour.  I mounted them with Pop Dots and gave them each a bit of Doodlebug bling to make them stand out a bit more.  Ahhh, butterfly rainbow goodness!  (I'm also entering this in the Moxie Fab Stamp It! Cards Week Challenge.)
So has everyone voted for their Gallery Idol yet?  I'm still dithering.  After my first look through the entries I picked out my faves and had a list of 7.  I've since narrowed it down to 4 but am still not sure.  Might have to put them in a hat and pull one out at this rate!  

Also, I only recently figured out the whole "Save photo for web" thing.  So I've tried it out with the last few pictures I've posted.  Just wondered if it has made any difference when looking at my posts.  Does my blog open up faster for you?  Is the picture quality okay?  It all looks the same from here so I was just curious...  


  1. What a wonderful card!!!! Hope all is well....

  2. Amazing card Jen, I love the off set colour blocking and the popped up butterflies. I bit the bullet and voted with my gut instinct...they're uber talented ladies aren't they :)
    Jenny x

  3. Man, I swear that if I ever had to pick a crafter that has grown in their design abilities in the least amount of time it would be you!! Each and every card you post is better than the last and so good!

  4. You are amazing! How completely creative to pop different butterflies on each layer!

  5. What a funky card! Love your bright colours and offset panels, fabulous idea!

  6. Jen, this is gorgeous! Great use of the colours. :)
    I love those popped up butterflies and the off set colour blocks.

    I too had a really hard time picking for the gallery idol. i had it narrowed down to 3 then printed them out, layed them down side by side and forced myself to choose!

  7. I really like this card - the colours look amazing. The butterflies are stunning!

    As for Gallery Idol - I've voted. It was a tough choice.

  8. Hey Jen! Thanks for linking this up to the Stamp It! Cards Week challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  9. Great card - love the butterflies that you popped up. Thanks for playing along with us at ColourQ this week.

  10. Cool! The butterflies look like ruffles--I love it! Awesome take on the color challenge.

    You crack me up about the Gallery Idol voting. I hope you got a chance to vote.

    So what's up with the "save photo for web?" I'm not familiar with it, but I do go in and change my pics' html. Your photos look great to me!

  11. The effect you have created here is brilliant Jen. Love this card :)

  12. Get out! This is amazing, Jen. I don't even recognize that stamp but I love the way you used it and the way you popped some of the butterflies. Great design!!

  13. Lovely card, Jen! Love all those butterflies. Thanks for joining us at the ColourQ this week.

  14. This is absolutely perfect, Jen! Love how you popped up the butterflies and offset the color strips. Beautiful job with the challenge colors! Thanks for playing at the ColourQ this week!

  15. Wow Jen - this is fantastic. Love your stamping technique. You nailed the color in that challenge photo. So glad to have found your blog - love your work!

  16. Super fab way to use this butterfly stamp! LOVE the way you created the 3D butterflies--FABULOUSLY done!!!

  17. So pretty! Love the technique you used.


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