
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Picture Perfect Hearts

Red and pink always makes me think of hearts and Valentine's Day so it was inevitable that when I saw this week's Picture Perfect Creations colour combo that hearts would be involved.  I chose one of my new Purple Onion Designs hearts for the occasion.  I stamped it 3 times, cut out the middles and layered polka dot stamped coloured paper behind them.  

Supplies:  CS: Gina K & SU; Stamps: Purple Onion Designs & PTI; Inks: VersaMark, VersaFine, Brilliance Moonlight White
The BBQ went well last night and we have enough food left to last us for a week!  Sweet!  No cooking!!  :)  The dogs were so good last night and charmed the pants off everyone.  I was so proud of my boys.  :)  And the best part is they are knackered.  When we got up this morning they barely said hello before they raced into our room and hopped into our bed where they are still snoozing peacefully!  They really lead tough lives...


  1. I love the dimension on your hearts Jen...they look like they are jumping off the cards.

    Your boys sound like my boys...we had some neighbors over last minute last night for drinks/'s 10 am and all the boys except Marcel are still in bed! Definitely enjoying a peaceful morning!

  2. Fun card, and neat design. I like the pink carried over to the other side with the gems.

  3. Jen!! What a wonderful card you made with the PPC colors this week! This is great! Thanks for joining us at PPC!! :-)

  4. Those hearts are awesome!! (might have to get me some of those) Fab CAS layout with a touch of bling... perfect!

  5. Gorgeous card Jen, love the hearts and the touch of bling too :)
    Jenny x

  6. Very pretty card this week Jen! I love the hearts :) Thanks for playing at PPC...

  7. Love those hearts Jen! This card is super fun! Hey, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! I appreciate it!

  8. love this Jen!! and how funny - i just posted a card i made last month where i cut out a heart and layered paper behind it. great minds think alike :)

  9. I love this design, Jen! Great card overall and you are making me want POD stamps again!

  10. Oh my there anything you aren't winning right now? No wonder I like to CASE you so much!! Congrats on your mention on this card also!


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