
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dream It, Believe It

After losing the entire week to suffering from the plague (ie summer cold) I finally got back into the Craft Cave today.  I got the housecleaning done yesterday and the grocery shopping done first thing this morning so it was a guilt free crafting session!  I decide to start by playing along with this week's ColourQ colours.  I struggled a bit with having 5 colours and almost missed the vanilla out altogether but managed to pop it in there on the butterfly.  The stamp is from Unity's April KOTM.  Still waiting for my May kit to arrive... the downside to living in paradise!  :)    

Supplies: CS: SU; Stamp: Unity; Ink: SU; Dies: Nesties, PTI, Martha Stewart; EF: Cuttlebug; Gems: Basic Grey; Copic: R46
Off to scrounge up some dinner for myself.  Luis has a hankering for octopus tonight so we're cooking separately.  Can't get into the octopus thing - I'd much rather see one hanging around my dock than laid out on my plate.  Blerg!


  1. Hmm, I'd have to side with you on the whole octopus thing! Your card is lovely with the layers. Glad to hear that you are feeling better!

  2. Well, I guess there has to be a downside to living in paradise. I think I might like to try it for a while, though. :) You did a great job of getting all those colors in your card... even that pesky Vanilla. Hope your dinner was fabulous -- I've never tried octopus, but I'm thinking that I might rather see one on my plate than in the water that I'd want to be swimming in. But... I don't know... it might be a toss-up. :) Thanks for your visit to my blog today -- always great to hear from you!

  3. I don't know how i would feel about an octopus in either of those spots! ;)

    Beautiful card Jen! I LOVE how you layered those labels. Fantastic use of this weeks colours!

  4. Lovely card, Jen! sorry you have been felling off. I thought the same about octop. until I had Calamari when we lived in Nigeria. I thought it was onion rings. I have been a fan ever since! thanks for playing with us at the colourQ this week.

  5. LOVE how you used the inspiratin colours!! Such a fabulous stamp! Is there such a thing as a downside to living in paradise?

  6. Um...not sure I'd like either...the octopus on my plate or on my beach :) So glad you are feeling better. Love all the layers on your card and the stamp is lovely! I'm now off to clean....yuck!

  7. I love that Unity stamp, Jen, and the way you used those nesties! Too funny about the octopus. I think I'd rather have it on my plate than in the water with me. LOL

  8. Fab card Jen, love all those colours stacked up and the little vanilla butterfly to top it off.
    Have to say I wouldn't be keen on octopus on my plate either..yuck :)
    Jenny x

  9. If octopus tastes anything like squid I'm happy with it on my plate :) Happy to hear you are feeling better Jen. You did a great job with the challenge colours and all the layering looks great.

  10. Love the language, Jen! Made me smile "Blerg!" giggle And ... 5 colours would have thrown me totally. I struggle with 4 or even 3! I like 2 + neutral ... but at a stretch can handle 3! Love the butterfly! Great way to add that tiny splash of no.5! Hugs xxaxx


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