
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Gallery Idol Congrats

Since I just discovered this blogging world and Paper Crafts back in the fall, this is the first time I've heard about Gallery Idol.  I've had a blast looking through the cards already posted and am loving the huge variety of designs and styles so I decided to toss my hat in the ring and play along.
Today I went to visit some friends and see their new house.  It's their first home so I wanted to give them a little "congrats on your new home" card (which would fit perfectly with the Gallery Idol theme of congratulations).  I recently ditched my old Monopoly board as It was falling apart but being the pack rat that I am I keep all the other bits and pieces from the game.  I've been wanting to use these bits and pieces on a card and finally had this idea.
Supplies: CS:PTI, Stamps:Unity & PTI; Ink: VersaFine & SU
I love that little Unity house and the idea of recycling (or upcycling - must figure out the difference between the two) the old game pieces that I loved so much as a kid and giving them another life.  A simple design and I'll be set for a while in terms of new house cards given how many of these game pieces are in the set.  :)
Hope you've all had a lovely weekend.  The sky is looking pretty black this evening so cross your fingers for us that we get some rain!


  1. This is my first time too really understanding what gallery idol is. I love your idea on this creative to keep your monopoly cards. I would vote for you for sure!

  2. This is my first time too really understanding what gallery idol is. I love your idea on this creative to keep your monopoly cards. I would vote for you for sure!

  3. Wow, what a neato card! I love that you reused a game card on it. I'm sure your friend appreciated the card :)

  4. Cute, Cute, Cute...did I mention that this was Cute. Loving this card. It's so creative. Fab job!

  5. What a fab idea for a new home card...if only the prices were still that low here!!!
    Thanks for the shove towards Gallery Idol, I'm new to it to but may as well give it a go :)
    Jenny x

  6. LOVE this card! It makes me want to dig out my old Monopoly game. What a great idea!

  7. Such a clever's perfect!

  8. Great idea, Jen! Love how you used the Monopoly card -- especially for the ritzy Park Place (the property I always wanted to own!). :)

  9. LOVE your 'upcycling'! This is the perfect card for a new house, and you still have heaps of cards yet to use! I just want to know what you are going to do with the 'Go to Jail - do not pass go' card?
    Now I must go and check out Gallery Idol!

  10. Jen, I love your cute idea of using a Monopoly card! If only owning four houses would cost $1300 (a year in taxes). LOL

  11. What a fun idea! Simple ... but fun! Love that purple card!!! Very yummy! Hugs xxaxx


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