
Thursday, June 2, 2011

You Brighten My Day

As soon as I saw the picture for this week's ColourQ challenge I thought of the owl from Paper Smooches' Chubby Chums set.  I've barely touched my PS stamps even though I've had them for a few weeks now so I thought I'd better hop to it.  The card is going to go to my friend Louise in NY.  We were roomies in college for two years and she has remained one of my dearest friends who I can always count on for a good laugh.  We haven't talked in ages so I thought I'd send her a little note to let her know I'm thinking of her.  She's a 5th grade teacher so will be winding down the school year and getting ready for a well deserved break - although she somehow always seems busier than ever during the summer!  :)  
Now that it's really getting warmer the dogs are turning totally nocturnal on me.  During the day they're in a heat induced daze and don't want to do anything.  Between midnight and 9am, when it's coolest, they're bouncing off the walls.  Trying to get them well exercised without inducing heat stroke is proving to be a challenge!  I'm now resorting to trying to keep them awake all day so they'll be tired at night although they're not thrilled with being constantly prodded out of their snoozes.  :)


  1. Oh...hope your pups get their days/nights worked out so you can get some rest! Love the card...the paper piecing is adorable!

  2. Love it! The perfect use of the colors to brighten a day!

  3. Hi Jen, fab the play on words. You're friend will love it I'm sure :)
    Jenny x

  4. Can you believe that I think I threw one of my unopened Paper Smooches stamps sets away!?!! I've searched for over a month now and cannot find it! Ugh. Your card thought is anything but ugh. It is bright and happy and cheery!

  5. Wow Jen!!!! This is so cute and AWESOME!

  6. Jen, I REALLY love this! The color use is perfect! I really like how you alternated the colors of the word 'brighten'. Thanks so much for playing with us at the colourQ this week!!!

  7. You totally rocked this challenge, Jen! I love that layered owl, just like the inspiration photo. The sentiment is perfect, too! I hope the dogs aren't keeping you up all night with your long hours and all. Hope you're doing well! :)

  8. Couldn't be cuter! Thanks for the inspiration - just got these stamps! And Congrats on your mention at Moxie Fab today!

  9. Super dupper cute! Congrats on your mention at Fab Moxie :)

  10. Adorable! Saw you on Moxie Fab today. :)

  11. Hooray for being a Moxie Fab link today! Love this sweet card and I bet your friend's day will be brightened by YOU! :)

  12. Love it! Love the pop of color and I like how you used a different paper instead of black and white for the non-colored images. Fab Job!

  13. This is SO cute! I love it!

  14. Those coloured layers in your owl are supercute!! LOOOVE the way your sentiment 'matches', it's super cute!

  15. Congrats on being a Moxie-Fabber! This is the sweetest card! Love how you used color in your sentiment, and of course that middle owl...too cute!

  16. This is so stinkin' cute I can hardly get over it! You are super creative :) I just love it!

  17. Hi Jen!! I'm here via Moxie fab and I just love your card. It's so cute :)

  18. Cute card, Jen! Love those owls! Thanks for playing with us at the ColourQ this week.

  19. OMG! Jen this is freakin adorable!!! I LOVE the little owl and the fabulous multi-coloured sentiment.

    I wish you much luck with your pooches! It must be hard not to turn nocturnal yourself.
    Take care!

  20. What a fun card Jen, so sweet! I am sure your friend with love it :) Good luck with the dogs.

  21. Hi Jen!
    What a cute cute card! Love the multi coloured phrase!
    I have missed popping by to visit ... but my family issues have been a big distraction over the last few weeks. I am looking forward to scrolling back through your recent posts and checking out your fab inspiration ... but won’t have time to comment on each! Thanks for all your special thoughts and prayers over recent days. Hugs xxaxx

  22. LOL! (about the dogs) I think you'll be on "Dogs Gone Wild" soon...

    Your card is so freakin' adorable! I think you have a Colour Q winner here! I love how you used different colors for the "brighten"..great effect!!

  23. What cute little owls and I love the way you added bright colour to just one of them and the word 'brighten'. Those dogs are very wise! Vx


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