
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cherry on Top Award

The lovely Brandi of Yankee Belle Stamper has bestowed upon me the Cherry on Top Award!  Whoop whoop!  Brandi's cards are always bright, colourful and as cheerful as Brandi herself.  Make sure you check her out.  

In accepting the award I have to complete a few tasks:
1.  Thank the person who gave you the award.  
           Obrigada, Brandi!
2.  Post this award on your blog
           You're looking at it, baby!
3.  List 3 things that you love about yourself
           I love that my fingers are double jointed, my toes are webbed and I can wiggle my ears.  
4.  Post a picture that you love
            This picture is from our wedding last year.  It perfectly captures the three most important people in my life - Luis, my mom and my brother, Phil.  I HATE having my picture taken so I was not enjoying this little photo session.  However, I can always count on Phil to be a goof - to make me laugh and get me to chill out a bit.  :)  He is the comedy relief of the family and one of the best guys in the world (not that I'm biased or anything...)
5.  Tag 5 people to receive this award
           There are way more than 5 people who I would love to give this award to but I've managed to whittle down my list.  Here are the 5 fabulous ladies I'm passing the Cherry on to in no particular order (except in alphabetical order - 'cause I'm AR like that!).
Diane - Peaceful Lane
Karolyn - Paper Therapy
Be sure to check out these talented ladies and leave them some love.  :)


  1. Well, thank you sweet Jen!! What a special surprise to get your email today with this award! The picture is hilarious - your brother is a hoot!! LOL And are your toes really webbed?!! Too funny! I know I owe you some photos of the Sew Mini . . . I haven't forgotten about you. I'll try to get that done tomorrow. Oh, and you had asked about a border punch that I used a few posts ago. It's a Fiskars punch that I picked up at JoAnn's - I think it's called Upper Crest. It's definitely a punch to have in your stash - super versatile!! Thanks again for the award . . . I'll get those photos to you very soon! Hugs!

  2. What a funny picture! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you Jen for passing on this award to me, it's' very sweet of you :)

    There are a lot of very goofy goof balls in my family too, so this picture really made me smile! I can't take a picture of my 14 year old son without some kind of funny face or goofy pose. Hopefully someday he'll look back on it and laugh!

  4. Ok girl! You made my day! Thanks for thinking if me! You are so sweet!

  5. Thank you so much! I so enjoy your blog and your card creations, and I am honored that you mentioned mine. I will definitely be passing the award along soon!

  6. Oh Jen! Thank you so much. :)
    I absolutely LOVE that picture, sounds like your brother is a fun guy to have around. It looks like you are all having fun! Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks again for thinking of me! I always love stopping by your blog. :)
    Have a great weekend.

  7. Congrats on the award, Jen, and thanks for sharing the hilarious photo!


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