
Thursday, April 14, 2011


Yesterday was a glorious day - brilliant sunshine and a cool breeze.  I went to have lunch with 2 friends who I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen in almost 2 years.  We used to lunch regularly when we worked together but then I switched jobs and we all got busy.  It blows my mind that I can live in a place so small and still not run into people!  (Meanwhile almost every time I go to Manhatten I run into someone I know on the street.  Go figure...)  We ended up eating outside because it was so nice and we nattered away for 2 1/2 hours.  The right side of me is now scarlet!  Normally I'm pretty good about using suncreen but I hadn't expected to be eating outside.  Doh!  I look pretty silly...

Anyway the biggest surprise of the day was that one of the girls turned up with a baby bump!!  She and her husband celebrated their completion of an Iron Man Triathalon by conceiving.  (Not on purpose but maybe her body figured this would be the only way to get her to take a break!  LOL!)  Anyway I'm thrilled for them and they are going to be fantastic parents.  It inspired me to make a few more baby cards (which I need for my stash anyway as last week a lady bought 19 cards from me including all my baby ones).  They're not for any particular challenge but I thought I'd share them anyway.  Simple and to the point. The paper is SEI and ATD and the stamps are Rusty Pickle (that name makes me giggle) and Hero Arts.  

I think I've used a record number of parentheses today so before I add any more I will depart!  Later, gators!


  1. These are the little gems on the sentiment. I always have a good burn on just one side during the spring - you'd think I would learn! I giggled about your parentheses...I use... all the time... :)

  2. Cute post and super cute cards. Yay for selling so many cards!

  3. What super baby cards - lovely papers and a great image!

    Sounds like you had a brilliant day too! So nice to catch up with friends.

  4. Adorable cards, I think the embellishments (gemstones?) add a wonderful finishing touch!

  5. These are so cute! And yeah for selling cards!!

  6. Nothing like a friend with a baby bump to get you motivated to make some baby cards, huh? Well, that and selling off your stash. (Congrats on that!!) And I get caught unexpectedly by the sun at least once during the spring/summer/fall (usually fall for me and usually at a Sunday afternoon NFL game...) -- so I definitely relate... (to that and to the parentheses) :)

  7. What a fun post! It's always fun to catch up with friends and I know what you mean about not being able to get together with people you live so close to. Congrats on selling all those cards! These ones are so cute. I love the little rocking horse and, yes, Rusty Pickle makes me laugh, too!


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