
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tangled Up

This is the second time in a week I've come across a challenge and had an instant flash of inspiration!  Whoop whoop!  Normally I agonise for ages over what to do but this has been a nice change.  Hopefully I'll be due for one more inspiration flash (as things come in threes right?)
The challenge is at Wee Memories - Challenge #51 Tangled Up.  We are to use twine in our project.  Now I don't have any of that awesome Twinery baker's twine (not yet, anyway!) but I have plenty of regular brown twine.  Maybe it was the word "tangled" but I immediately thought of a bird's nest and put together this little card:
Supplies: CS: SU & Bazzill; PP: Basic Grey; Stamps: PTI & Elzybells; Inks: Memento Tuxedo Black & VersaFine  Sepia; Twine: Ikandee
I love that little PTI birdie!  He comes in handy for so many things and I'm sure will make many more appearances here in the future.

Must go check on hubby.  Poor guy had 2 teeth pulled today and is completely miserable at the moment.  He's snuggled up on the sofa under a duvet giving me pathetic puppy dog eyes.  Or that could be one of the actual dogs as they're both piled on top of him...  Hmmm...          


  1. Adorable! Such a clever idea. Hope your husband gets to feeling better soon!

  2. Your use of twine is perfect, Jen! Love that nest and, of course, the bitty bird. At least it makes sense that the bird would be in a nest. My bitty birds often appear rather randomly perched on things like words or dots. :) Sure hope your husband is feeling better soon! Pain is no fun! (And a husband in pain is less fun!)

  3. This is fabulous Jen! What a great idea! Hope your hubby is on the mend quickly!

  4. This is the prefect use of twine! Adorable card!

  5. Oh my goodness, this is darling! Love that twine bird's nest!

    Hope your husband feels much better soon!

  6. This is so cute & creative!! I love the bird's nest! The Twinery's Twine is wonderful!! I hope you are able to get some soon!

  7. Oh my gosh.....the bird's nest with twine is TOOOOOOO cool!! Awesome card!!

  8. Jen, this is FABULOUS!! I love your little birds nest, wonderful idea. I hope your hubby is feeling better soon. They are pretty good at the puppy dog eyes when they are sick huh? :)

  9. This is so cute. What a great use of twine!

  10. Adorable! Fabulous use of the twine!

  11. This is fantastic!! Hope you husband is feeling better. Thanks for joining us at Wee Memories this week.

  12. Just charming! I guess I will have to CASe another of your Little Bitty Bird cards (I went right out and bought fun foam after you posted your "rainbow" of bitty birds cards!)

  13. Such a sweet card Jen and great for the challenge. Let's hope the inspiration strikes again!

  14. CUUUUUUUTE!! What a darling card and SUCH a creative use of the twine! I do hope your hubby is well mended soon! Thanks for playing along at the Wee Memories Scrappy Saturday Challenge!

  15. totally adorable! I so love the next! What a cute card!

  16. Oh how I love this. Swooning over here! Cute, Cute, Cute! Thanks for joining us at Wee Memories!

  17. What a cutie! Love the nest! Thanks so much for playing with us at Wee Memories. :)

  18. This is SO cute!!! Perfection in a card, that's what this is. (And I sure hope Luis is feeling better by now.)

  19. I just saw this card at Wee Memories. So cute!! Love the tree and nest! Just wanted to pop over and tell you!

  20. this card is just gorgeous ... i absolutely love your layout of it ... it makes me think of new beginnings and spring ... what a perfect card :)


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