
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One-Layer Wednesday 37 - Sentiments

It's been getting steadily greyer, more dreary and humid (95% humidity - blerg!!) all afternoon and now the thunder has started.  The hounds and I got back from our walk just in time!  

Didn't get much time in the Card Cave today but managed to finish a card for One-Layer Wednesday's Sentiments Challenge.  The challenge this week is to make a card using more than one sentiment, no images and minimum embellishments.  Susan also suggested making use of the inside of the card - perhaps for that second sentiment.  I didn't realise quite how many sentiments I had until I started digging around - they seem to multiply like rabbits in my stamp drawers!  :)  I decided to CASE Susan's card in that I used 1 sentiment in a number of different fonts, sizes and colours but I also added a little something inside the card:

A little cheesy but I like it.  :)


  1. So do I!! It made me smile. Super card!!

  2. Very that inside sentiment!

  3. Super cute! I love the "pile" of love you created. :)

  4. Very clever, very amusing, very sweet, very adorable!
    Love it!

  5. Just a quick note to say thanks for your lovely comment on my grunge card - it's for my son - hope he thinks it's cool!! :) Glad you enjoy my blog.

    I love all your photos - the jellyfish pictures are amazing!

  6. This is awesome, Jen! I love the way the 'heap' of love on the front corresponds with the inside sentiment.

    I'd love to have some of that humidity and I've planted the idea of a trip to Bermuda in hubby's head! ;)

  7. Brilliant, what a clever idea to create a heap. The layout is crisp and even, nice job.

  8. Love it! Stamping in red was so perfect...makes me think of valentines day.

  9. Super cute card! And I LOVE the sentiment inside!!! So clever!

  10. This is a fun and cute, cute card! The 'heaps of love' sentiment just takes the cake!


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