
Thursday, January 20, 2011

What A Difference A Day Makes!

The hounds were less than impressed with the thunder that went on for most of the night.  Atti paces, Jem hides in his crate and Scout barks right back at it - how dare it make all that noise outside her house!!  They are much happier today and Jem is currently sat beside me with his red ball in his mouth imploring me to hurry up and throw it for him!  Will do, Jem, but first...

A challenge.  This week's Wee Memories challenge is to use ribbon on our projects.  I actually have quite a bit of ribbon although I tend not to use it very often on my cards.  Not sure why although I do struggle with getting the "perfect bow"!  I decided to avoid bows completely for these cards and try some different approaches.  I ended up with two cards but I think I prefer the 2nd one.  Matches my mood today I guess which is much improved from Monday (thanks to everyone who sent a little love my way!). 

Does ric rac count as ribbon?  I hope so...

Off to play some ball with the hounds.  Have a bright, sunshiney day!


  1. Wow, those photos are cool! Your cards are so cute! I love that the ribbons ARE the images for your cards. The rainbow makes me smile and goes so well with the sunshiney photo of today!

  2. Fabulous photos - the weather is amazing how quick it changes.

    I really like both these ribbon cards, but my favourite is the rainbow - so bright and cheerful!

  3. Fun cards, but WOW, I love the second one. So fun and creative!

  4. SERIOUSLY...I am coming to visit you even thought I have not been invited...haha!! I am with your second card!

  5. How neat! Love your rainbow card. Thank you for playing with us at Wee Memories! :)

  6. I think rick-rack does count ;)! Both of these are fabulous, but I really LOVE the bright colors of the second one! Thank you so much for playing along with us at Wee Memories! I'm so jealous of your sunny photograph, too! Sooo beautiful!


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