
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One... Make That Two Last Things

**3rd Post of the Day**

Been wanting to show you this cute idea for dish washing liquid.  Luis always leaves our DW liquid on the windowsill which drives me nuts.  The Palmolive bottle really doesn't go with the decor!  (Although I guess I should be grateful he knows what it is and how to use it!  LOL!)  Anyway I saw this a few years ago in an acquaintance's kitchen and thought it was a brilliant idea and it's only taken me 2 years to get around to doing it for myself!
Cute huh?  I found it at a kitchen store the other day.  I was there to buy a glass juice pitcher (hard to find actually - and I broke it within 24 hours of getting it home but that's another story!) and I spotted these...  don't even know what they're called.  Olive oil dribblers?  Anyway, I saw it and remembered that I'd wanted one for ages and grabbed it.  Thankfully it's lasted longer than the juice pitcher...

And finally a little funny...  I put in an order at over the weekend after Stacy mentioned they were having a sale.  I was very excited to get it - especially the Stamp-a-ma-jig - and then I got a message from them today.  It said:
Thank you for shopping at  Unfortunately, the following items are currently out of stock:
It then proceeded to list my entire order!!!  Doh!  Guess that's what happens when there's a sale.  Maybe it's a hint from above that I shouldn't be shopping for crafty stuff anyway... ;)

Okay, that's really all for today.  I'm off to cook dinner.  I have my first Digital Photography class tonight so I'll be gone before Luis gets home.  Since it's so yucky out I know he'll be cold and wet when he gets home so I thought I'd have dinner waiting on the stove as a surprise for him.  Have a lovely evening!    


  1. Bummer on your order! And I love the idea for the dish soap!

  2. I laughed at your story about your DH leaving the Palmolive on the ledge (that's what we use, too)! I love the olive oil dribbler. LOL Enjoy your photography class!!


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