
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

CASology Simple Studios Blog Hop

We're inviting you to hop around, check out our craft rooms and and maybe pick up some ideas for storage and organization solutions.  

The hop will run through Thursday, February 25th.  For those who comment on all the blogs along the hop you'll be entered to win a $20 gift voucher to Simon Says Stamp.  The winner will be announced Friday, February 26th, on the CASology blog.

Let's get started!

My craft room really hasn't changed much since my last two studio tours (here in 2015 and here in 2011) with the exception of cramming more and more stuff into it so I certainly wouldn't call it a Simple Studio. Over the years I've collected a lot of products because I saw them in magazines or saw someone I admired using them and then it turned out that they really weren't my thing or didn't work with my style.  I struggle with getting rid of these things though because maybe one day I'll find a use for them or they'll become my style.  Anyone else do this?  Well, it's time for that to change because hopefully this time next year I'll have a brand new dedicated craft space and while it'll be all mine it will also be smaller so I'll have to do some serious and thoughtful culling to make the space less overwhelming and more user friendly. 

Below is my desk which has the majority of my stamps stored on and under it.  The shelves above have my Nuvo drops as well as some fun odds and ends and some of the cards I've received over the years from the wonderful people I've met through this hobby.

To the left of my desk is a little cart with my guillotine on the top, cardstock scraps in the binders and Christmas stamps in the bins.  My old Papertrey Ink stamps are in the CD rack.  The bookshelf holds patterned papers, non-Stampin' Up cardstock and craft magazines.  The grey drawer set on the top hold brads and eyelets and I cannot remember the last time I used either of those things...
My favourite thing in this photo is the YAAAASS above the window.  My brother gave me the letters for Christmas a couple of years ago and they always make me smile.

Moving left again we have lots of Stampin' Up cardstock, more patterned paper, glitter, sequins, embossing powder and miscellaneous embellishments.  The binders on the bottom of the bookshelf are full of Unity stamps.  

It's interesting how my storage needs have changed over the years.  I was so excited when I first got the white shelf and drawer units but I have to say that now they basically just hold up the cardstock on top of them.  My woodblock stamps are stored in the drawers along with different papers (mulberry, origami, textured), old ink pads and bits of ephemera.  The only things I use from the drawers are vellum and clear sheets.  The shelves hold 12x12 Bazzill cardstock and miscellaneous 12x12 patterned papers.  Unfortunately being open as they are means the papers are prone to collecting dust and fading.  I suspect these units will not follow me to the new craft room.

Another storage solution that I was so proud to get was this ribbon rack.  It holds all the ribbon and looks pretty when you put them in rainbow order but it has also become a bit of a dust collector.  Now it's another thing that will probably get culled.  Below it are ink blending tools and in the boxes below are more ribbons and twine as well as extra adhesives.

Back around to the right of my desk we have the storage units that I'll definitely be keeping.  I love the wooden ink holders (and clearly need a few more).  These are great to stack on a shelf or hang on the wall and fit lots of different inks.  The drawers below them hold punches, felt and other fabrics, gems, Stickles and mists, scissors and adhesives.  There are also more Papertrey Ink stamps on the bottom shelf.

Luis made this washi tape shelf for me and I love it!  The shelves are slightly tilted back so the washi doesn't roll off them and it allows me to make a pretty rainbow with the tape.  Sadly I've learned that you've got to use washi tape pretty quickly when living in a humid climate like this or they get gummed up and become unusable.  So I figure if they're not going to get used at least I can display them and enjoy looking at them!

And that's it!  Hopefully you've arrived here from Deepti's blog and you'll be heading over to Nancy's next.  If not click on the links below to catch up on any blogs that you've missed so you can comment and be in the running for the $20 Simon Says Stamp gift certificate!


  1. Fabulous space, Jen! I love your washi shelf - they definitely deserve to be displayed. I also know what you mean about the difficulty purging things that just aren't your style but I find I've never looked back with regret.

  2. So much of what you say holds true for me too! Why is is so easy to collect and so hard to part with the very things that really give me no joy?! My design style has evolved so much over the years and, now that I've found my niche, it should be easy to part with all that ribbon, patterned paper! Not so much. Aargh. I'm really trying this year to force myself to downsize my stash. Wish me luck!
    Love how organized your space is Jen! I hear you when you say it's always evolving. Just when I think I have my space organized in a certain way, I change it. Kind of like moving furniture around, I guess. ;) Love the color the washi ribbon display adds to your wall!!! Mine's in a bucket hidden away...maybe I need to change that?!

  3. thanks for your craft space tour - I'm with you when you talked about evolving - altho I've been pretty good about purging and so far haven't missed any of the stuff that went away to a better home!

  4. Love your craft space - so organised and welcoming, Jo x

  5. What a great space! I love your washi tape holder---and it's a wonderful way to add color to your craft room. It's so interesting how our needs evolve. I recently redid how I store cardstock, and it was a game changer. I'm gearing up for a big purge in March, and wonder how things will change.

  6. I have tons of patterned paper taking up room but don't find me using it or purging it. Maybe this spring. Thanks for showing your space and the color organizing. Good ideas.

  7. What a great space Jen! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that seems to be a paper collector. LOL I seem to buy it but then never use it!

  8. Wow I think I need you to come and sort my space out - you seem to be able to fit a lot of stuff into a small amount of space!! I need some tips lol.

    Hugz Tinz

  9. Thanks for the tour of your wonderful the organizing by colors of the rainbow...My favorite shelf to see is your washi tape holder...definitely cool!

  10. I see organized and tidy, and that means everything to me, Jen! I understand your needs changing along the way - and, yes, we all have buyers remorse on occasion.
    In my imagination, you and I are whiling away our day making pun-y cards together!

  11. Love that washi tape shelf! So awesome that you can view it and grab what you want easily! I'd love to have one like that!

  12. Wow, girl!! You have got a lot of crafty goodies stuffed in that space!! But it's all so nicely organized; some of those storage units are fabulous!! Getting a new craft space will be a good time to get rid of those items you know you will never use. Maybe you can find a place to donate them to and that will make it a little less "painful". Great space!

  13. What an awesome space, Jen! There's a lot of goodies in there but they are all so well-organized!!!!

  14. Your room looks so inviting Jen, I'd love to come round and play.... maybe one day! ps I think you need to start using some of that Washi lol.

  15. Wow, I’m so envious of your pace. So many wonders storage ideas..

  16. Like everybody else, I like the washi shelf. So pretty! I have such a stash of DSP it is unbelievable. I need to follow your suggestion and evolve by purging some of it.

  17. What an amazing space, Jen! Great organising. I can relate to what you said. We keep collecting without getting rid of things we never use! I started a little last year but still much to go!! Stay safe! :)

  18. This is a fabulous looking space. It reminds us of home.

  19. OMG! I LOVE how you did your ribbon and washi and your big YAAAAAASSSS.... what an awesome space!

  20. Your post really resonated with me Jen - I so struggle to part with anything, even though I feel like a good cull would probably do me and my craft space the world of good. Love that we also share a love of plastic boxes for storage on shelving too!! And the washi tape display - genius!

  21. Hi Jen,
    So many of the things you said about gathering paper, tools, stamps, etc. sounds like me, and as I have read several other commenters, they too, have the collection bug. I've been stamping since the early 80's so you can imagine how much I have acquired:) and not been able to give away or discard. I look forward to seeing your next craft room tour, and hearing how good it feels to discard.

  22. I love that everything has a home in your space. I am sure it is so easy to find exactly what you are looking for!

  23. I love your ribbon rack. I get the dust issue but it sure allows for frequent use. My ribbons are in two boxes and I tend to forget to use them because...outta sight, outta mind. :)

  24. You have such a nice space for creating.

  25. You're giving up the Craft Cave for a new space??? This space is amazing - so much stuff, so nicely organized! Thank goodness I've never really had to show off my creative space(s). :D

  26. I absolutely LOVE your space. So much stuff - I totally agree with you about not being able to get rid of things. But you've got it all very well organized!

  27. For all the supplies you have, you certainly have it all well organized. I can see that this is a well used crafting space.

  28. It's so true that our storage needs or organization styles change over time. I love all your stamp bins - I can't wait to see how your space and organization changes in the next space!

  29. Love your space. Envious of all the goodies you get to play with, and I totally understand how hard it is to get rid of things.

  30. My space is small, so when purchasing crafty stuff, I make sure it is really needed and even maybe has a multi use!

  31. Your room looks so much fun 😀 Thanks for sharing

  32. Fabulous space, Jen! I love your washi shelf. :o)

  33. Wow, Jen. What a fabulous and happy space. It is really fun to see where you create all your fun and happy cards. Thanks so much for sharing your crafty space.

  34. Wow, what a fab space beautifully organised. I feel inspired. Thanks for sharing. Hugz

  35. Love your washi shelf, and your ink racks. You're well organised and so tidy.Thanks for sharing. CarolG

  36. thats a very warm and welcoming crafting room Jen.. I love how you have placed so well and organised. I totally agree with you that our design style evolves with time and so does the crafting supplies. But it is so difficult to part with our lovely stuff.. So happy to see a sneak peak of your niche.. xoxo

  37. Jen, This space is awesome and so organized! You have also have given me permission to do a little shopping as you have way more stuff than I do. LOL Thanks in advance! I really enjoyed this and thanks for sharing your piece of heaven with us!


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