
Monday, March 10, 2014

Have a Hibiscus Day!

**This is my second post for the day.  For my Addicted to CAS post please scroll down or click here!**

Hi again!  I had a really productive day in the Craft Cave today.  The last couple of weeks I've been struggling a bit with my mojo but today was smooth sailing.  I got lots of cards for design teams, challenges and special orders knocked out so I'm feeling very accomplished.  Hopefully the good feeling will last through Beat the Couch training tonight - my calves are pretty achy right now.  :(

This card combines the colours from the Colour Throwdown and the sketch from RetroSketches.  There are hibiscus hedges all around our property and although they come in many different colours there's just something special about the classic red ones.  

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Real Red, Daffodil Delight, Lucky Limeade) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Flower from Get Outta Town) Paper Smooches, (Sentiment from Happy Camper) Avery Elle
Ink:  (VersaFine) Tsukineko
Embossing Folder:  (Linen & Canvas) Papertrey Ink
Punch:  (1/16" hole punch) McGill
Gems:  (Ladybug assortment) Doodlebug


  1. Gorgeous card Jen. Glad to hear your mojo is returning although you standards never slipped.

  2. What a great way to use those colors and the sketch. I'm glad you're being so productive. It does seem to come in spurts with me, too.

  3. This is so bright n lively, I just love that red flower. I know how important it is to have ur mojo back :)

  4. Oh la la...this is those bright colors and double yeah for the productive day!

  5. This is beautiful! So fresh and happy and CAS!! And I just love hibiscus!! Thanks so much for joining us at the Color Throwdown!

  6. Love the contrast of colors!! FunCAS card!! This for joining at CTD!!

  7. Gorgeous colours, Jen! I love the angles of the background!

  8. Such a beautiful flower and a beautiful card Jen!

  9. I love this card, Jen! I love the red hibiscus, too. We have pink singles and orange doubles, and I do love them all, but the red is the best. :-)

  10. Great fun angle on this card Jen and I love the way you have used these bright saturated colours :)

  11. I love the blocks of color on this! Fabulous!

  12. So glad you are back in the swing of things and were super productive. Love this card and wish we had beautiful hibiscus around here.

  13. So pretty! My dad grew a hibiscus very like that... in his greenhouse, of course. ;)

  14. Ahh you're so lucky!!! That type of hibiscus only live as small pot plants here..... They're so pretty and I can only imagine what a hedgerow of them might look like!!!
    Totally tropical card, I really like that sketch too :0)

  15. Fabulous take on the sketch, and I love those colors. I've been looking for a good hibiscus stamp. I love those flowers. They remind me of Hawaii.

  16. And this one, wowie, makes me want to go on vacation, BIG TIME!


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