
Monday, March 10, 2014

CASEd Baby

Popping in with some entries for the Addicted To CAS Baby Challenge.  I actually CASED an old thank you card of mine for these two cards.  I used the same layout and even some of the same papers and just changed the image and sentiment.  It's a good trick to use when you're really stuck for ideas or time!  The stamps are from Nursery Deco by Mama Elephant and the papers are Authentique.

Atti and I are headed off for a walk to the beach. It's sunny and gorgeous today!  Sending warm vibes out to you all!


  1. Jen, I love the circles within a circle - what a great layout and I love that image. So glad you joined us at ATCAS this week

  2. These are very cute! I do like how you often choose to use less-than traditional colours for your baby cards. :)

  3. Awww this is so sweet :) love the fun layout n of course the teddy :) so glad you joined in the fun at ATCAS!!

  4. Jen, I love the boy and girl versions. Fabulous!

  5. These are so cute! I love the circles and the DSP is adorable. What a cute teddy too! Thanks for playing along with us at ATCAS. :)

  6. Super cute, Jen! I love them both!

  7. Love both your adorable baby cards - hugs xx

  8. They are both so sweet--I love the circular design and the colors you chose.


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