
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Bubbly Birthday Flowers

Hello hello!  Sunday is rapidly drawing to a close and I'm popping in with a Clean and Simple card for The Card Concept's Floral Theme Challenge. I'm also going to join in with the fun at the Seize the Birthday challenge. I used the heart and button from Friendly Folk by Fresh Squeezed Stamps to create the flower.  (Who else is sad that this awesome company is closing so soon?)  :(  The bottle, sentiment and bubbles are from their Soda-Lighted set.  I used Stickles on the bubbles for a little sparkle and a Simon Says banner to pop up the sentiment.  That's it for today.  I've got a few things to get sorted before the Oscars start. Have a lovely evening!    


  1. Hi Jen!

    You card is so fresh and lovely! Really love the happy colors! Whoever receives this birthday card will love it!

    Have a great Sunday!

  2. Love that fun bloom popping out of the bottle. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday...we have another snow storm coming through...wish I was in Bermuda!

  3. Hi Jen!
    I was just reading your comment on Moxie Fab World about starting the Couch to 5K training! I just wanted to say WAY TO GO!


    ps... I dig your card, too!

  4. Jen your card is just gorgeous! What an amazing flower you've created and your bubbles are just too cute! Thanks for joining us at The Card Concept!

  5. Ooh the bubbles are so cool! I love the 3D effect of your flower too! Thanks for joining us this week at The Card Concept :)

  6. Love that bright and cheery colours of your blossom and those little bubbles are fabulous! Thanks so much for sharing your creation with us at Seize the Birthday!

  7. What a fun idea :) love those glittering bubbles.

  8. Love the bright and cheery look of this card... and those bubbles? Wow, they're perfect!

  9. Love those shimmery shiny bubbles Jen!

  10. This is so very sweet. Love those bubbles, and the cool flower with the added dimension.

  11. Your card is just so fun!! The bubbles make me smile!
    So glad that you played along with us at Seize the Birthday!


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