
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Creepy Photo Ahead...

Good morning!  A quick post before I jet off to work. Neat and Tangled is hosting a new challenge called Little Tangles.  The first challenge is to create a Hello card which is perfect because my favourite N & T set is Just Hello.  I stamped the envelopes on a selection of Amy Tangerine paper and popped them up on the card.  The sentiment is two put together. Colourful and cute no?  Check out the challenge if you haven't already.  You don't have to use N&T stamps but they have free digi stamps if you want to try some out!

And now for the creepy part.  I'm not generally squeamish about bugs - remember our housemate from here?  However, centipedes, especially the giant variety, make me scream like a girl.  I've always been terrified of getting chomped by one - they give a nasty bite - and unfortunately they are plentiful at our end of the island.  Just a couple of week ago my mom was battling one on her porch.  She tried to smoosh it with a wine bottle, broke the bottle and ended up impaling it on the jagged edge of the bottle!  LOL!  Go mom!  Yesterday I found one in our kitchen and was pretty sure it was dead as it was all curled up so I tried to stretch it out to show you how big they are.

This one - at about 5" fully stretched out -  is actually on the small side.  Anyway after being prodded around and stretched out it decided it wasn't dead any more and it went berserk - started spinning around and going crazy!  Cue Jen screaming and running from the room and Luis rolling his eyes as he went to deal with the beast.  The perils of living in paradise!


  1. Eww, glad that wasn't by me! Your card is so cute, especially with the pink base.

  2. That is a really fun card, and a really NOT fun centipede. Yuck. I guess the bonus of winter in Canada is that we see very few bugs for a few months! lol!

  3. LOL! Paradise does come with a price. I think I could deal with them to be near the Bermuda beach. :)

    I love the colors of your card and the various patterned paper envelopes!


  4. Oh my goodness...I would be screaming too! Yikes!

    I love your card...the paper piecing is fabulous!

  5. Now that is a monster!!! .....the centipede not the card. Lol
    I guess not even Atti wants to tackle them if they bite!!

    Love the card, those pretty paper envelopes are definitely what you want to see through the letterbox :0)
    Jenny x

  6. UGH!!!!!!!!! the bug! the bug! it's creepy!!!!!!!!

    oy vey....{deep breath}

    Your card...very cute! very cute!

  7. I believe that screaming like a banshee is the most appropriate response to a monster bug like that. I certainly would scream! Oh my goodness!

  8. Your card is so cute and colorful! I love the bright colored envelopes! Thanks so much for joining the Little Tangles Challenge!! ...and that bug is enormous and very creepy! :x

  9. I may now be too creeped out to be able to comment on your card. :P My husb deals with all bugs of any size at all, alive, dead or in-between.
    Okay, card. So cute! Love all the patterned envelopes, perfectly angled and spaced.

  10. Holy Cow that is huge! I hate the winter but I don't think I could handle creepy crawlies either. So love your card though.

  11. STAHP. Just stop. Although it is almost worth having to look at read the story of it not being dead. All in the interest of sharing some of the local wildlife with us :) I am not particularly bug-squeamish, but this one makes me want to throw up a little.
    You do realize the sight of that thing is distracting most of us from your pretty card, right? OK. I love all the patterns & sweet little envies :) I'm going to go have a coffee and scream now.

  12. Mmmm, I think I might scream like a girl, too, if that thing came close to me (and I'm not afraid of bugs... although I do hate the giant cockroaches that live around here). Yuk!

    Lucky you prefaced the centipede with a beautiful card! I love the pink card base and those bright envelopes!

  13. Cute card...but not a cute bug!

  14. Oh that running squealing girl? that would have been so me! But your card is truly lovely. The pattern paper letters are so fun! Thanks for playing along with us at Little Tangles.

  15. This card is way super cute!!! That centipede is something else!!! Thanks for playing along in the Little Tangles Challenge!!!

  16. I much preferred the photo of your fab card to the centipede... I agree, it's a little too creepy!

  17. Ugh on the centipede! Thank goodness that there is that fantastic card there to take my mind off it! Love those Amy Tan papers and the cute envelopes! Thanks so much for playing along in our first challenge!

  18. This is such a bright and happy, Hello card, Jen! And that's quite a beast! Good thing you had someone there to battle it for you.

  19. Love your bright and cheerful card! Fabulous! Love the multicoloured envelopes.

    Ugh - that would totally creep me out. Definitely not a fan of large creepy crawlies.

  20. So I had to skip over your bug photo ;) LOL but I love the card! The arrangement of envelopes and how you created the sentiment is just perfect! Thank you for joining us at Little Tangles!

  21. Loving your card and the colours but definitely not lovin that bug! Thanks for playing along in the first challenge :)

  22. Super adorable card, Jen! Love the way the colors pop. But the grow them big and nasty over there! I'm the same way about big spiders, two of which recently visited. Ugh!

  23. Wow - great job with all those envelopes!!!!!!!! Love that you stamped them on PP too!!!

    and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!


  24. Your card had me all smiles and then you had to go and do that to me! EWWW!!! I swear when ever I glance at the picture I get chills up my spine.

  25. Oh my tummy just flip flopped! We get those in the northern part of the state, but down here we have scorpions and they do to me what centipedes do to you! Thank goodness it was dead!

    On a happier note, how darn cute is your card! Love those little envelies.

  26. Love your card! Those paper pieced envelopes are awesome but I sure wish you hadn't shown the centipede. Those are like a nightmare! I can't believe you touched one, stretched it out and took a photo. *shudder*


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