
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

CASology #21

Welcome to Week 21 of CASology!  Here's the cue card for this week:

I recently went through a clock phase and ordered a whole bunch of stamp sets based solely on the fact that they included clocks or watches.  Not sure why I wanted them so much as they haven't seen much ink so I was glad to be able to use a clock image this week. However, did I use a new, uninked one?  Of course not.  I went for an old favourite from Paper Smooches.  *Sigh*  What can I say?  I'm a creature of habit!  Although perhaps it's time to change my ways...  It's definitely time for you to check out the gorgeous creations by the rest of the design team and then get started on your own creation!

Ardyth Percy-Robb
Melissa Chipperfield
Rosemary Dennis
Tracey McNeely

And this week's guest designer:

N@ Ali

Link up your creations to the CASology blog and remember that submissions are due by noon CST Sunday, 1 December.

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Real Red, Pumpkin Pie, Daffodil Delight, Old Olive, Pacific Point) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Image from Perpetual Bliss) Paper Smooches, (Sentiment from Vintage Clocks) The Craft's Meow
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Gems:  (Beetle Black collection) Doodlebug


  1. I'm so glad that somebody actually used a clock! I love the rainbow effect - definitely a celebration!

  2. What a fun way to use those cute little clocks.

  3. Awww, this is so adorable, Jen! Love all your colored clocks lined up!!

  4. Great idea to place them in an arch...... it's like the movement of those ringing alarm bells!!! Love the rainbow parade :0)
    Jenny x

  5. Oh I love this sweet rainbow of clocks.

  6. Amazing card, I can feel them ringing now (yes, feel not hear!)!

  7. okay... this is absolutely brilliant!! love the rainbow of clocks!!

  8. such a cute idea to form a rainbow of clocks! oh my, your centipede is creppy indeed, i would have been on the screaming side as well!

  9. Hello, fellow creature of habit :) It takes me forever to use new stamps sometimes. Not because I don't love them, but I don't know exactly why, either! This clock is CLASSIC, though, and you know I love the rainbow :)

  10. Wouldn't it be awesome if buying TIME-related stamps bought one more TIME to use them? :D But why not use this tried-and-true clock -- it's perfect with the bright colours and sentiment!

  11. Glad to see that your clocks have seen some ink.... reminds me that I may have some needing ink myself! Thanks for the gentle reminder!

  12. gosh, you are so clever! I love the rainbow of clocks.

  13. I can see why you used this particular clock! It's adorable! :) I'm going through a similar phase with snowflakes right now! Someone STOP me! LOL!

  14. Your rainbow of clocks is so bright and cheerful. Super celebration set. x

  15. Oh, I love these bright, colorful clocks and the perfect sentiment!

  16. I love your rainbow cards:) And no shame in using the same stamp over and over! There are just some stamps that are irresistible for some reason! Hope you're doing well!


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