
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Miss You Meadows

I finally got my head around the sketch at the Paper Smooches Sparks challenge.  I broke out my new Metropolis stamps and (drum roll please!) some patterned paper!  Whoop whoop!  I may just put a dent in the ol' stash yet!  LOL!  I'm also going to enter this over at the Simon Says Stamp CAS challenge.
It's another grey, humid day here but the drizzling has stopped so we took the hounds down to the dock for a swim.  The water is super clear and our neighbourhood turtle came by to say hello as well as our friend the pufferfish.  It's been busy down there this week as we've also seen a ray, a huge rockfish and some gorgeous parrotfish.  Now if our octopus would just come back it would be perfect!

Supplies Used:

Cardstock:  (White) The Stampin' Place
Patterned Paper:  Echo Park
Stamps:  (Balloon and sentiment from Metropolis) Paper Smooches
Ink:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko


  1. Your card is wonderful!

    Maria B.

  2. Awesome! Love the use of the different DPs. That little balloon hovering over the fields does look lonely--had to get out my Metropolis stamp to look--forgot it was there. Kim's sentiments are the best and I love that this sketch really brings a focus on them!

  3. Jen - this is so simply cute! Good job with trying to put a dent in your patterned paper stash! I need to do the same, but new papers just call out to me. I just bought like 10 new 6x6 pads... :) All the wildlife around you sounds awesome! An octopus??? How cool! BTW, thanks for playing along with the Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge!

  4. I absolutely adore how you interpreted this sketch. So, so fabulous!!

  5. love your take of the sketch. awesome.

  6. hark at you name dropping all your wonderful sealife!!! Lol... sounds totally exciting actually, we'd have to go to an aquarium to see all of those!!
    Love love love your card Jen, those patterned fields are just awesome for the balloon to float over :0)
    Jenny x

  7. Your take on the sketch is so clever Jen and looks fabulous :)

  8. Wonderful take on the sketch Jen... I've been looking & wondering & your hills are fabulous!

  9. Gorgeous card Jen - FAB use of your patterned papers too :)

  10. I love how you turned the sketch upside down! The different patterned papers look GREAT as rolling hills! Hope you had a fun weekend!

  11. Bold, graphic and just plain amazing.

  12. Such a great take on the sketch. I have seen lots of cards made with this sketch, but none as creative as yours. And, you use patterned papers, too! Yay. I'm trying to figure out where on earth you live?

  13. I love your card - such a wonderful use of the sketch:)Hugs xx

  14. Your paper pieced fields are absolutely inspirational Jen! Loved the nature walk too - slightly different from a few minnows and skeeters!

  15. Now this is such a unique take on the sketch! It seems nearly everyone went with banners - so this is sure to catch their eyes :) Love that wee little lonely balloon too, so perfect for a miss you card.
    Love the idea of all that wildlife being so close - don't the dogs go nuts for them? Abby goes mental when she sees koi at the pond, mostly curious, but I'm sure the fish don't like it!

  16. OMG - this is absolutely brilliant! PERFECT for the challenge! Congrats on the win!

  17. oh, WOW! This is a perfect interpretation of the sketch and a great card (I don't always find it easy to follow inspiration and still make a card that someone would like as a card, if you know what I mean?!) It leaves you with a wistful feeling for whoever is missing.

  18. awesome card jen, your take on it is brilliant ... absolutely love the landscape, i wanta go there!

  19. What a wistful, pretty scene -- just perfect for the balloon and miss you sentiment. I really love this, Jen!

  20. P.S. And you won this one too! Awesome going, my friend!!!!

  21. I love the window into your "neighborhood" that you shared with us....sounds amazing! This card is much like our "neighborhood" in the Napa Valley with balloons flying over the grape vines all the time. Love the great style. Thanks for sharing.

  22. This is so awesome! Love that patchwork of land.


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