
Friday, May 25, 2012

It's Not Easy Being Queen

Popping in super quick before I jet off to work for the afternoon.  I'm playing along with Unity's Friends With Flair blog hop and the Runway Inspired Challenge.  These dress forms from Unity's latest KOM made me think of fashion and models which made me think of Runway Inspired.  So I pulled a few colours from the RIC dress and came up with this simple one layer card.  It'll be added to the stack for the big special order I'm working on.  :)

I'm excited to report that the octopus has returned!  I'd really given up hope of seeing him again but there his was yesterday in his little cave under the steps by the dock.  Now if I can just keep Luis from eating him... 

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill

Stamps:  (Images & sentiment from May '12 KOM - Love In An Instant) Unity
Ink:  (Pumpkin Pie, Pacific Point, Lucky Limeade) Stampin' Up
Gems:  (Tangerine, Limeade & Blue Jean assortments) Doodlebug


  1. Love that sentiment, lol! Very cool interpretation of the inspiration pic! I love the look of stamped images leading off the card:)

    That is so cool about the octopus! My oldest (by 5 mins, lol), Brady, has been asking if we can get an octopus for his aquarium (he's serious). He would die to see one in the wild!

  2. What a CUTE card!!! LOVE the images and sentiment!!! (=

  3. LOVE that sentiment - you've really captured the feeling of the inspiration!

  4. Fabulous my friend. Love how you stamped every last detail of this card. You go girl :)!

  5. What a sentiment! I love it.... So freakin cool!!
    Perfect images for the RIC challenge too :0)
    Jenny x

  6. Fun colors! I think the gems add a lot.

  7. very nice job I love gems too!

  8. Brilliant card! Love the dress forms and the sentiment is wonderful!

  9. What an amazing card, especially for one layer, so much depth! Good luck with your quest!

  10. Your card is great, and I completely agree with the sentiment :)

  11. Fabulous! Love the colours, the bling, and that awesome sentiment - I laughed out loud. Great card, Jen.

  12. This is a fabulous take on the runway sketch, but that sentiment is just AWEsome!!! LoVe it Jen!

  13. It's a fabulous sentiment, isn't it? and you've made a fab card with it, too! Love the bling. :)

  14. That sentiment is brilliant and possibly a good reason to splurge on that set! Love this card! Great bold colours on the white!

  15. Jen, this card is Awesome! I LOVE the quirky dress forms and the fun sentiment! Very cool!

  16. so cute, love the different dress forms .. the jems are so cool with the gorgeous dresses :)

  17. That is SO fabulous! I love the colors and awesome CAS design. Those dress forms are gorgeous, and isn't that sentiment fun? Love it!

  18. Love the colors, Jen! And the sentiment literally made me LOL - And I was about to take a drink of water, so glad I hadn't yet as I know I would have spewed it all over my laptop. :)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Great card, love the masking of the dressforms and that is one of the best Unity sentiments ever!

  20. Jen, this is fantastic! I love that sentiment, and I love how you've placed and coloured the dresses (and the bling)!

    Are you able to photograph the octopus to show us? I'd love to see it. :-)

  21. THAT SENTIMENT IS SO ME! I love it. And since I'm trying to replace my usual go-to F word with 'freaking' it really is too perfect, lol.
    Love the colours, and so excited to hear the octopus is back! I want to see him too - and tell Luis if he eats him now, the interwebs will get him.

  22. Love what you did with the dress forms. The colors are awesome. I read your bio, & you sound a lot like me -- emerging from the craft cave only when necessary! I've never seen an octopus, except in captivity, so consider it a blessing.

  23. Jen this looks amazing!! Loving my dress form images!!! Haha I just love that sentiment!! Fabulous one layer card!!

  24. Are you seriously kidding - this card is a total scream! Great images and that hilarious sentiment! Love the never disappoint, Jen, but this is my current #1 fav!

  25. Beautiful card and what a cool sentiment! Thanks so much for playing along with us at the Runway Inspired Challenge, Jen!

  26. Fun card! Thanks for joining us on the Runway!

  27. This is fantastic! I love the placement of the dress forms....

  28. That sentiment is so much FUN and the dress forms are some of the coolest I've seen!!! You have really showcased them by keeping it simple! LOVE it!!!

  29. haha! LOVE this sentiment...too cool :)


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