
Monday, March 12, 2012

You. Are. Old.

**This is my second post of the day.  For my Play Date Cafe/CASE Study card please scroll down or click here!**

I love this super cheeky sentiment stamp from Unity's February Kit of the Month.  I paired it with the car images from the same set and a background stamp from Skipping Stones Design's Grunge collection.  I used the colours from Just Add Ink and the sketch from the new Retro Sketches challenge.  I am also going to add this to the Cure for the Winter Blues challenge over at the Moxie Fab World.  Can't go wrong with a little giggle for curing the blues huh?  :)   

Cardstock:  (Early Espresso, Island Indigo, Pool Party) SU
Patterned Paper:  (Grid from Background) Scenic Route
Stamps:  (Cars & sentiment from Lucky To Have You) Unity, (Background from Grunge) Skipping Stones Designs
Inks:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko, Early Espresso)) SU
Embroidery Floss:  (580) Janlyn


  1. Love love love this. What a fun sentiment. And, love that tire tread pattern on the paper, and those old card. Super card for a geezer!

  2. That is so cute! LOVE the sentiment.

  3. Love the sentiment, very funny! I'm sure a guy would appreciate the humour. Love the background stamp and cars too. A great way to use our challenge colours. Thanks for playing with us at JAI this week.

  4. I love that grungy background :) and the stitching is perfect! How is it that punctuating every word makes this so much funnier? lol

  5. What a cool, funny card for a guy. I don't see many funny cards like this - I love it! Thanks for joining us at Just Add Ink - Cheers Narelle

  6. The sentiment cracks me up! Love it Jen!

  7. A great card using our colour challenge for this week. Although you might have to choose carefully who you give it to with that sentiment...they would need a sense of humour! Thanks for joining in at Just Add Ink this week.

  8. Hi there Jen! My husband would get a kick out of a card like this! LOVE how you zig zag stitched the sentiment to the card! Thanks for joining us at Retrosketches this week!

  9. Nope, can't go wrong with a giggle to cure the blues. Although in Bermuda, your winter blues are probably a little different. ;) I LOVE how you used the cars...great masculine card. The bg is super fab!

  10. Fantastic! I have got to get on board with Unity because I love everything you make!!

  11. What a total kick, Jen! Love those vintage cars and the crazy fun sentiment. A great guy card.....for someone with a sense of humor.

  12. I think that's my favourite part of the February KOM, and I love how you used them here! Perfect guy card.

  13. This is a fantastic card and take on the sketch. I love the sentiment - it's how I feel today, LOL. The background stamp is totally cool too. Thanks for playing along with us at JAI this week.

  14. Great card, Jen! Love the background, love the grungy look of the stamps, and love the stitching. Love how you've used this week's challenge colours at Just Add Ink - thanks for playing along :)

  15. i think these are some of my most favorite images from all the kits. LOVE how you used them with the sketch.

  16. Jen, this is awesome. :)
    LOVE that diamond palte background with the vintage cars and that most perfect of sentiments!

  17. Those cards are just too COOL! Fab masculine card Jen!

  18. Jen, this card totally made me laugh! My dad's birthday is coming up - I may have to buy this from you! Sorry it's taken me this long to come back and comment - I only had time to peek at everyone's cards before! Thanks so much for playing with us at RetroSketches and I hope you will join us again!


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