
Monday, March 12, 2012

Yellow & Grey Wishes

I didn't make it into the Craft Cave yesterday (more on that later) but I managed to get a card sorted this morning.  I've used the yummy colours from the Play Date Cafe challenge and inspiration from CASE Study.  Laura Bassen is the muse this week and I love her CAS style.  I was inspired by the centered image and the layered die cuts.   

It was a gorgeous day yesterday so we ended up puttering around doing odds and ends around the house and yard.  We started with a swim for the boys:
Then we hung out in the yard playing ball, searching for lost balls in the bushes, replacing the lettering on our mailbox and pulling up a few weeds.  Our wild freesias are out in full force right now:
This is at the top of the driveway and their beautiful scent hits you as you pull into the yard. Love it!
Later we hung some pictures and then I did my taxes (blah!) while Luis made some soup. Finally an evening walk with the hounds, some BBQed tuna steaks and the day was at an end.  A lovely weekend overall, just too quick as always!

Cardstock:  (Basic Grey) SU
Patterned Paper:  (Grey from Sheer Simplicity Neutral) K & Co, (Yellow from Fresh Citrus Sarapapers) Hot Off The Press
Stamps:  (Image & sentiment from Wish You Were Here) Hero Arts
Inks:  (Basic Grey) SU
Dies:  (Mat Stack 5 & Layerz Mat Stack 5) PTI
Embroidery Floss:  Making Memories
Button:  Craft supply


  1. Ahhhh, that made me feel relaxed just reading your post (except the taxes part, lol). That's what I call a great weekend:)

    What a great take on the inspiration card! Love how you stacked the labels!

    Have a great week Jen!

  2. Where do you live? It looks gorgeous. And, I love your card. I struggled with the grey and yellow (so moved on!), but you really nailed both challenges. That chandelier stamp is really cool.

  3. I love your card and those photos are so pretty! It's a lot warmer here, too. Hooray for spring!

  4. I can't get over the scenery you have. I am so jealous. Oh how I could look out over that water everyday! Love your card. It looks like a scene from a haunted house with the black chandelier and crow. I know you are an avid reader and was wondering what you are into at the moment. I picked up Hunger Games and am on the 2nd book. Have you read them?

  5. Sounds like an idilic day Jen :) Love the colours and design of your card.

  6. As much as I love crafting, I'd rather be doing all the things you did yesterday..... Sounds wonderful :0)
    Love your card.... You've used the colours brilliantly as usual :0)
    You should be getting something nice in the post anyday!!!
    Jenny x

  7. Can I fly away to see you? It's been warm here...but the sites from your home are simply stunning.

    Your card is a beauty too! Great take on the inspiration.

  8. Boo, taxes. Yay, beautiful card! What a cool chandelier stamp! Little bit Poe-like...

  9. This is a gorgeous card. I love how you used those colors. And your photos? Absolutely gorgeous. At our house in Northwest Washington today the temperature is nearly freezing and I think it must have rained about a foot and a half in the last 24 hours. :) Ann Y.

  10. I love the layering & matting, and that fab chandelier! Although, have you ever had a bird in your house? It happened to us twice, and I must say, both times there was carnage. Not from the cats, but from the poor panicked bird! (Ever tried scrubbing of a kitchen floor? GROSS!) lol
    Well, how was that for a non sequiter? Awesome.
    Gosh, your dogs are so darn handsome! Love at those happy faces too (Stop taking pictures, PLAY WITH US!) Simply gorgeous photos - like Ann, we're pretty chilly here. It hit 10+C yesterday, though, and I was out in a tshirt. SPRING!
    (And taxes suck. That is all!)

  11. Sounds like a great day (other than the taxes part). The flowers are GORGEOUS (insert jealousy here!). I love how you used the PDCC colors. The layering of the frames looks really cool!

  12. What a joyful day! Thanks for sharing it with us with your story and great photos. Love this color combo - not one I would normally use, but you have used it with such style! Great!

  13. Excellent cards, great take on the challenge. Thanks for playing along with us at The Play Date Cafe!

  14. I did taxes over the weekend too. Not fun. But it is done... that all the good I can say about that. ha.

    Striking card! Love the bold borders and fabulous patterned paper.

  15. Perfectly played for the color scheme. Lovely. Thanks for joining us at The Play Date Cafe!

  16. Your day sounds glorious, as are those freesias (my favourite of all smelling flowers)! BTW, Great card too!

  17. Beautiful beautiful beautiful! Great layers!

  18. that grey paper is fabulous!! Love your layered dies too :) Great inspiration! Thanks for playing with us over on CASE Study :)


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