
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lime Rickey Trees

Hello!  Just popping in with an entry for CASE Study. We have another fabulous creation from Laura Bassen to CASE.  I was inspired by the patterned paper strip on the side and the simple image. Ummm... so pretty much the whole layout I guess!  :) I busted out more oldie goldies for this card.  The trees are from Unity's August 2009 KOM and the paper is Basic Grey's Lime Rickey.  Whoop whoop for using the stash!

Thanks for the tips yesterday on dealing with spicy foods.  Unfortunately, since I never recovered from the bad milk incident I suffered as a child, I will let my mouth burn before I down a glass! However, Therese's suggestion of a bit of sugar on the tongue is one I am definitely willing to work with!  :)

Cardstock:  (Kraft) PTI
Patterned Paper:  (Catawha Flip & Tutti Fruitti from Lime Rickey Collection) Basic Grey
Stamps:  (Image from August 2009 KOM - Following My Heart) Unity, (Sentiment from On My Couch) PTI
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko, (Garden Green) Stampin' Up
Embossing Powder:  (Clear) Ranger
Copic:  E47


  1. So the patterned paper! The sentiment is awesome too.

  2. Love this kraft creation, Jen. Am I allowed to say that I like your card better than the inspiration? So bright and fun - again, an amazing use of space. You rock!

  3. This is darling, Jen! The sentiment fits this image perfectly, and I love that it would work well as a masculine card. Thanks for joining us this week at CASE Study!

  4. Love everything about this card! Your fussy cutting is stellar! (Am I the only weird person that thinks fussy cutting is relaxing?) Your sentiment is just perfect:) Hope you have a good one today!

  5. This is an adorable card. I love the tree image!

  6. awesome card! love pairing the trees with that sentiment. sweet.

  7. Terrific card. Love the green with the kraft.

  8. Those trees are so cute, Jen! Great card!

  9. beautiful paper with matching color tree.

  10. Absolutely stunning Jen! The trees are brilliant with the strip of DP and as for the sentiment - Ahhhh! I missed the bit about spicy food yesterday but I have a tip for that too - yoghurt! You know Old Wives Tales? Well I think I'm an old wife!

  11. Such a fun fav color...Green!

  12. LIME RICKEY! Oh, I loved that paper :) And putting it with kraft just makes it even better!
    I WANT TO KNOW THE BAD MILK INCIDENT. For what it's worth, if the sugar doesn't work...I'm lactose intolerant, so I just don't do milk. But, you don't have to drink it - you can just swish your mouth with it & spit it out. I'm pulling for sugar, though, so do tell!

  13. You have all the best stamps Jen!!!
    Love these trees and matching sentiment, I'm loving the green theme you have going on!
    Not heard about the bad milk incident but sounds intriguing :0)
    Jenny x

  14. I am loving that Basic Grey paper, Jen! It's perfect with the funky trees and the kraft base.

  15. Look at you rocking all of this gorgeous patterned paper lately!!

    I love your CASE! Those trees are wonderful. So simple and fabulous. :)

  16. I adore this, Jen! The bright green against the kraft is wonderful!

    I just read your previous post too, and you had me in fits of giggles at the idea of you coating your tongue in flour to reduce the burn of spicy food, LOL! We use greek yoghurt and cucumber, either by themselves or mixed together. It works perfectly to cool the mouth. :-)

  17. I LOVE this, Jen. Those trees are fabulous and I love the patterned papers. What a great sentiment, too. It pairs perfectly with those two trees. Ann Y.

  18. Super funky trees and a great take on the challenge. Love it!

  19. Clean. Modern. Graphic. Retro.

    Oh so cool.

  20. LOVE that green / kraft combo - gorgeous card!

  21. geez girl, even more cards with patterned paper ... looks so cool too, love this earthy card ... makes me want to go outside :)


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