
Monday, March 26, 2012

Funky Foliage Birthday

I pulled out some of my older, neglected stamps for this card.  The petal is a tree shape from WPlus9's Funky Foliage and the centre is from their Funky Flowers set.  The sentiment is from the Mixed Greetings collection at Woodware USA.  I used the colours from the Play Date Cafe and I'm going to enter it in Lily Pad's Flower Challenge.

On a completely random note I got this email a while back about what to do if you burn yourself.  It said instead of putting ice or cold water on it put flour on it.  I thought it sounded a bit bizarre but the other day I accidentally grabbed the edge of the oven rack and for whatever reason decided to plunge my hand into my flour canister instead of under the tap and you know what?  It worked!  The pain didn't last long and it's healing up really quickly.  I'm comparing this incident to the time I grabbed my flat irons and spent the evening with a handful of ice and in a lot of pain.  Wonder if putting flour on your tongue would help after eating something too spicy...      

Cardstock:  (Smooth White) Gina K, (Textured White) Bazzill, (More Mustard, Marina Mist) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Petal from Funky Foliage, Circle from Funky Flowers) WPlus9, (Sentiment from Mixed Greetings) Woodware USA
Inks:  (Rich Razzleberry) Stampin' Up
Punch:  (Corner Rounder) Marvy Uchida
Impression Plate:  (Linen & Canvas) PTI
Gem:  Doodlebug


  1. Beautiful card. I love that giant flower.

  2. beautiful card. Thanks for the tip about burns.

  3. What a lovley card! The flower is gorgeous! I like the tip on burns, and I have one for you for spicy foods - just drink some milk, it will take away the burn in your mouth ;)

  4. This has such a super cool modern vibe to it! I love it and you totally rocked these colors!

  5. Ok, first of all, OUCH! I hope you weren't burned too badly. Flour, you say? Thanks for the tip! As Kary said, drinking milk is good for spicy foods. That's why Indian restaurants serve yogurt dips. ;) And of course your card is cool and funky. I love those petals and the blocky letters!

  6. Cool flower! Loving the plaid! I'll have to check out those WPlus9 stamps!

    And thanks for the first aid tip! I hope I can remember that in the moment.

  7. Flour you say! You try eating it after spicy food and let us know how that works for you, LOL. That flower is so cool and I love the sentiment tiles :)

  8. Random note... sugar on your tongue helps when you burn it! Seriously! BTW - Fab funky flower!

  9. Okay - what a cool tip on the flour! I'm going to have to remember that...and I like the tip on the sugar too...will have to try them both as it will inevitably happen!

    Love that funky flower! so cool!

  10. I love your giant flowers Jen and even more so when you make them out of completely different stamps!!
    Good job you read the tip about using flour....I'll wait to find out from you how it works on your tongue though!!
    Jenny x

  11. Love that big funky bloom...good to know about the flour...I'll have to remember boy tends to be a wee bit accident prone...of course, my flour is up in the top cupboard so by the time I got it down maybe it wouldn't be so effective...ha...I should through some in a baggie and pop it in one of the various junk drawers.

  12. Ooh, funky cool! I like how you focused on the blue and used the other colours more as accents. Nice!

  13. Great use of the impression plate in the background, fabulous card!

  14. I'll file that flour advice in my head under "you might need to use this at some point sometime." I'm glad that you remembered the tip in time and that the wound is healing nicely. I like the plaid pattern in the flower, very cool!

  15. Love your big bold flower! Great card.

  16. what a fun graphic & bold card - the pattern on the petals just mesmerizes. Love that it's from a tree shape!
    About burning...oh, Jen, how I'm going to need that flour advice at some point. Probably once or twice a month I get a good enough one to need first aid. And that's not counting all the hot coffee/hot water 'ouches' that fade in an hour. Sheesh.
    I have to second the dairy cure for hot foods. Still haven't found anything to fix 'roof of mouth pizza syndrome' though.

  17. You had me laughing this morning - I just imagined your sweet face covered with flour! Not a pretty sight. Interesting idea, tho. Love this card - another great graphic style. Great colors and punch!

  18. Jen, these colors seem perfect for our challenge this week! Great CAS card. :) Great tip on skin burns, too.

    Thanks for playing with us at The Play Date Cafe!

  19. VERY funky flower Jen! I keep a bottle of pure lavender oil in the kitchen to sort out burns - works like a charm, no blisters or anything!

  20. you are so funny, if i was burning i wouldn't have even remembered an email about flour, i probably just stand there cursing myself! love the card, especially the idea of using the tree stamp to make such a sweet flower

  21. i sure hope i remember the flour tip if i burn myself in the future. I'm glad you are healing up nicely.

    and this flower just pops off teh card. i love how you stamped the sentiment as well.


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