
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Very Belated RAKs

I spent a lot of time at the beginning of the month merrily scrolling through people's Christmas RAKs and thinking about how I must post mine.  But have I done it yet?  No. Why? Because I'm a bit useless really and not a very good bloggie friend!!  I was at the point where I wondered if posting them now would be insulting but I decided I was going to post them anyway so everyone else can enjoy them too.
The first Christmas card I received was from Emily of Art From The Heart.  I love the non-traditional colours of this card and the subtle touches of colour on the leaves.  So sweet! (Excuse the holes in the corners of the card.  I pin them to the board above my desk in the Craft Cave so I always have inspiration on hand.)

Next up are more fabulous non-traditional colours from Amy of Tsuruta Designs.  Her stitching always blows me away as well as her bold and bright style.

I won some blog candy from Lindsey at Bashful Blogging and she sent it along with this sweet little mini card.  How cute is that polka dotted penguin??

This card came with some stamps that I bought from Amy (again of Tsuruta Designs). She's trying to dehoard so I thought I'd be a pal and take a few items off her hands!  :) More lovely stitching and polka dots on the house!  Love me some polka dots!

Hope you enjoyed seeing these fabulous cards and if you haven't checked out any of these ladies' blogs then you must take a minute and do so.  That's an order!  :)


  1. Great RAKs Jen - it's good to have friends :)

  2. Never too late to post them Jen! They are all gorgeous!

  3. WOW, Jen! These are all so fantastic! Beautiful RAKS!

  4. You ARE a good bloggie friend and a busy one too :) Great that you shared them with us... now I feel sad for not getting organised and sending one :(
    I have just bought some stamps from Amy too... hope I get a card too :)
    Jenny x

  5. Check out all those fun cards:)

  6. Hey, I haven't shown my Christmas RAKs yet either :) I have REALLY got to get on board with that...
    I love these - isn't it amazing to hold these pieces of art in your own hands? It always blows me away :)

  7. Aww, thanks for including my little penguin alongside all those beautiful cards you received!

  8. I am in the same quandary. Maybe I should just do what you did, I love that you still posted them. :)

  9. so nice getting cards as well as making them! Love the life is good one, so cute

  10. LOL, Judith's comment cracked me up. Of course it's never too late! I loved seeing your RAKs.

  11. Hee hee, the penguin is adorable!


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