
Sunday, January 29, 2012


Since I'm catching up on things these days (like RAKs), I thought I'd also do a little horn tooting and show you guys my first publications!  The above card can be found on page 44 of the January/February 2012 issue of Paper Crafts.  Interestingly, it was the first idea I had when I read the call for submissions.  I couldn't seem to get it right though so I made and submitted a bunch of other cards instead.  Then at the last minute I gave it one more try, sent it in and this was the only one to be chosen.  Funny how things work...  

I also had two cards published in the December 2011 issue of Cards.

Please excuse the appalling photos!!  These were taken way back in April or May when my photography skills were still extremely raw (ie non-existent).  I'm grateful they chose them despite the photography!

I also wanted to thank both Jen of The Sparkle Within and Jane of Create and Show for passing the Liebster Blog Award on to me.  You should stop by their blogs and check them out if you haven't before.  They both have lots of gorgeous cards and layouts on show!    


  1. congrats on your publications Jen! so happy for you :) i saw the bluebird card and immediately loved the cas design and creative and perfectly designed. i'm sure we'll see lots more of your work in print :D

  2. Big congrats to you on your first pubs, Jen! I especially love the little blue bird and the clever sentiment with it. I'm sure these will be the first of many more in print!

  3. Congrats on your publications!! I love that first card!!

  4. Congrats Jen! All of your cards are awesome, but I completely lurve your blue bird card! CAS-tastic!

  5. I remember finding your blog when you had just a handful of followers and I knew your work was special...and now you are published! A very big congratulations to you!

  6. Congratulations Jen - how exciting.

  7. Whoop whoop Jen! I was soooo excited when I saw your 'blue bird' in the mag! Congratulations, what well deserved pubs!

  8. So brilliant to have your cards published Jen! I particularly like the clever little bird one.

  9. I saw the card in PC, and did a little happy dance when I saw your name there underneath it :) Woohoo!
    Congrats on all the pubs, and the award - you totally rock :)

  10. No wonder they choose the little mathematical problem - its brilliant. Well done on all the publications Jen … you deserve to be in print :0)
    Jenny x

  11. How very cool - what a neat way to have your great work recognized! I am so delighted and impressed. Print suits you well - ha! These are most deserving and so unique - I can see they are winners! Good girl!

  12. Congrats on your cards being published! They are very sweet! It just goes to show you perseverance pays off.

  13. Many congratulations on being published! I adore the blue bird card!

  14. Yay You go girl! Toot away~ These are fantastic!

  15. Congratulations, Jen! You'll have plenty more published this year, I'm sure. You toot away, when I finally get published I'll be yee-haa-ing from the rooftops, LOL. :-)

  16. Woo hoo!! I LOVED all of these cards when I saw them!! I think I told you before, but the house/home was my favorite card in the issue. :) The flower is so striking, too! It's funny about the me-you card...yes, that's how it always works. But I'm glad it worked because the card is so clever and fun!

  17. way to go, fantastic you have been published, such cool designs too ... sometimes it's best to go with your first instinct ;)

  18. Oh Jen congratulations on the publications! What a great accomplishment. I need to follow in your footsteps and take the submission leap. I really love the bluebird card. Too cute!

  19. Hi Jen, BIG congrats on your publications. I really love your blue bird card. Really fun and creative.

  20. Hip hip hooray! Congratulations on your publications, that's awesome! :)

  21. Congrats on your publications!!! Great cards!

  22. Congrats on your first Pubs!!! So happy for you!


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