
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Carefree Summer

How is it Sunday evening already??  A minute ago I was going to sleep on Friday night and now the weekend is almost over.  Crazy.  Managed to squeeze a few cards in around running errands, working in the yard, a birthday party and a few swims with the hounds.  This one is for two challenges.  I used the colours from this week's Colour Throwdown and the theme from this month's Unity challenge - Sun and Fun.
Supplies:  CS: Bazzill & Stampin' Up; Stamps: Unity; Inks:  VersaFine & Memento; Gems: Basic Grey; Die: PTI; Copics: YG63 & R46
The clouds have been building all day and finally at 6:15pm the heaven's opened... and then closed 3 minutes later.  *Sigh*  What a tease!  It's still looking pretty dark out there so maybe we'll get a bit more rain later.  Apparently rain dances don't work here.  Or it could be that my horrific dancing is confusing the weather gods and they are not quite sure what I'm asking for!  Maybe I need to find a professional rain dancer...


  1. I could do the raindance for you...but I'm thinking it might scare them too!

    Love that cute watermelon...adorable!

  2. A little rain is better than no rain? Great card, great design and a super fun sentiment!

  3. I can see you had rain/water on your mind when you made this card !.....a slice of water melon:)
    A fun summery card Jen.
    Jenny x

  4. Excellent combination of the two challenges! The colours are perfect for this fun, summery card.

  5. Yummy! I love that you're using so many new stamps, Jen! ;D


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