
Monday, July 11, 2011

Dotty Thanks

Another last minute entry for a challenge.  This time for Picture Perfect Creations.  I ended up with two cards for this one and have been dithering over them but I think I like the first one best.  If I did it again I would use darker cardstock for the band the letter are popped up on.  What do you think?

CS: Stampin' Up!; Stamps: Purple Onion Designs, Hero Arts; Inks:  VersaMark, VersaFine; Punch: EK Success


  1. The first is my favorite, too, Jen -- and I agree that a darker strip would be really eye-catching. Hindsight is 20/20, right? That is forever happening to me -- I stand back and look at a finished project and think, I could have done this, or I should have done that. Oh, well.

  2. I like them both! I liked the first one because of the use of red for the T and N, but I liked the second one because of the use of the red band. Nice job!

    In response to your comment on my blog, I totally set up my craft room first, ha ha! It's so nice to have an actual craft room that's not my bedroom too. I'll post pictures soon :)

  3. I think they are both great, but that's probably not what you are wanting to hear, eh?

  4. I enjoy both cards too! Awesome use of our colors this week at PPC! Thanks for joining us...

  5. I agree with Karen but if I had to choose.... I do like the first card more and agree a black strip would look great behind the circles. Love their bold graphic style :)
    Jenny x

  6. Hi Jen! Thanks for coming to visit my blog. I like both these, but the first one just that little bit more -- must be the red! Love the graphic design.

  7. I love red, so I've got to go with the first one. Super fun cards!!

    Thanks for your sweet note about my dog. I wanted to reach across a lot of land & water and give you a hug :)

  8. Jen, I love all the different layers in the sentiment and I'll have to remember this design! I think I'll go with the first one as my favourite.


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