
Monday, June 27, 2011

Whale of a Birthday

No challenges today but thought I'd post this card I made for one of the bosses at work.  
He's in his fifties but has more energy and zest for life than anyone I know.  He's a fantastic vet and an avid deep sea fisherman.  He skin dives and spear fishes.  He's made his own shark cage and is involved in a local tiger shark tagging program.  He swims with the tiger sharks and with whale sharks.  And he plays the saxophone.  He's currently off from work as he's on the Isle of Wight representing Bermuda in windsurfing at the Island Games.  Dr. Neil Burnie is an inspiration.  Have a look at this little clip about him.

When I saw this Unity stamp I thought it was a whale's tail.  I've since realised it's a bracket but the whale's tale made me think of Neil so I made this card for the staff to sign for him.  Happy birthday, Neil!


  1. Wow! Sounds like an interesting guy that has many stories to tell, I'm sure. Great card idea with the whale tail. Before I read the post I thought it was a mustache. LOL!

  2. What a cute idea! I'm with Brandi, turn it upside down and it could be a mustache as well!

  3. what a fun idea!! love the sentiment.

  4. wow he sounds like an all action kinda guy! Brilliant card and just like a whales tail....I'll never look at brackets in the same way again :)
    Jenny x

  5. Very creative Jen... I too saw a moustache, but it works as a whales tail :) Fun card.

  6. Fab card, great bracket/whale's tale/moustache! I was exhausted just reading everything your boss does... he's going to LOVE this card!

  7. I love your use of the "bracket"! The colours are fabulous. :)

  8. It's a perfect whale's tail!!!

  9. Gread idea to use the bracket as a whale tail (even if it was one of those happy accidents!). And I agree with the others, it could make a good mustache, too. Now I kinda want to head up to my craft room and see if I have any bracket stamps! :) Your boss sounds like an amazing guy -- gotta admire a man with interests that keep him that active!

  10. Great card, Jen! I love your creative use of a bracket! I used a bracket as a cross-section of a boat one time. ;) I love the ideas above about using it as a moustache, 'cause you know they're so trendy right now!! Hmmm... Anyway, I'm finally commenting 'cause your blog wouldn't let me comment yesterday for some strange reason.

  11. You certainly have an amazing way of looking at things Jen! So creative! Hugs xxaxx


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