
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Starry Congrats

Supplies:  CS: Stampin' Up; Stamp: Paper Smooches; Ink: VersaMark; Embossing Powder: Ranger; Impression Plate: PTI; Gems: Doodlebug
I wanted to get in on the ColourQ challenge this week with it's bright, fun colours.  I'm loving my PTI star dies and have been using them a lot.  They make life much easier in the star department.  Remember this card when I was complaining about trying to cut stars to size by hand?  They were pretty rough looking now that I check them out again!  LOL!  I'm going to add this to the Gallery Idol line-up as well.   

The photo inspiration for ColourQ prodded me to finally have my first swim of the year.  I think I'm getting old though.  As kids, my brother and I would race down to the dock and leap right off the end of it into the water.  We'd then tease my mom mercilessly as she eased her way down the steps into the water, stopping on each step for a moment to "acclimate". Why not just jump in and get the initial shock over with quickly?  Well, I am now officially an "Acclimator".  I caught myself going in one step at a time today.  I was horrified although not horrified enough to just leap in - maybe when it's a bit warmer.  Once we were all in (Luis, dogs and I ) we paddled around for a good hour or so.  Luis and the dogs are now crashed out on the sofa and I think I may go join them...  Have a great evening! 


  1. Great card. Perfect use of the challenge colors. Have a great weekend!

  2. Fab colour combo, perfect for your stars they make such a vibrant cheerful card! Swim? Not for me at the moment, we are in the middle of Winter... it just makes me want Summer back!

  3. Now I really need that stamp set from PS! Love the bold and bright nature of your card, it really makes a statement!

  4. Love the bright bold design Jen, goes to show Less IS more :)
    Jenny x

  5. Love the gems that you added to the stars...and I laughed about jumping in...I am one of the moms at the pool that won't jump I'm officially old too!

  6. Such a fun card! I recently picked up star dies too...I can't believe you hand cut them out are a trooper.

  7. Great design, Jen! I love the bling you added to the star centers. Thanks for joining us at the ColourQ this week!

  8. I loved reading your swimming story. I am definitely an Acclimator too! Oh ... I wish it was summer here! Bring it on!! Love the card. Simple but so effective! Hugs xxaxx

  9. CAS, as in Clean and SPECTACULAR! Love this fun, starry card. Thanks for joining us at CQC!

  10. Jen, I don't know how I missed this! I LOVE this card. The funky sentiment goes perfectly. :)

  11. This is a fabulous use of those colours, Jen!! I'm a wee bit jealous that you have that PS sentiment set but I'm very happy to see you joining Gallery Idol! ;)


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