
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Plague Lives

Seems like I'm not the only one who has suffered from the summer plague lately!  Aside from that floating around there have been a few odd illnesses and accidents occurring so I was playing around with some Get Well cards today.  They're not for any challenges - just for the sickies in my life!  :)
First up is that adorable Paper Smooches Chubby Chick!  Poor guy has come down with chicken pox (tee hee) and he's got a little thermometer in his mouth to check his temperature.  I had originally envisaged him in a little bedroom scene tucked up against a fluffy white pillow.  Sadly, my artistic flair just was not flairing and my attempts were quite sad.  So instead he's sitting on a scalloped strip of Cosmo Cricket paper.  (If anyone else can conjure up the original picture in my head then go for it - I'd love to see it!) 
Next we have a little dinosaur from Unity's Bella Blvd. Mr. Boy set.  I think he looks kind of sad and decided it was maybe because he isn't feeling well.  Poor little guy!

And poor me!  Luis and I made a yummy dinner tonight - Fiesta Chicken - and there was just enough left over to take to work for lunch tomorrow.  Someone had other ideas though. I left it on the counter to cool before putting it in the fridge but I  just went into the kitchen and found a bowl with a few stray bits of rice, Atticus licking his chops and Jem looking mighty pissed off!  Poor Jem can't reach the counter like Atti can and I'm sure Atti made no attempt to share his delicious find.  *Sigh*  PB&J for lunch it is then!


  1. Oh...hope the sickness doesn't get to you. These cards are adorable Jennifer!

  2. Super cute cards, they sure would make me smile if I were ill! Today I walked into to our dog's hard day of work. I had forgotten to take the trash out to the road and he decided to strew it all over the kitchen, living room and hallway!

  3. I love these adorable CAS cards, Jen! That chicken pox chicken (LOL) made me laugh and the dino made me wonder why I never bought that set! Too funny about Atticus stealing the leftovers!

  4. Such FUN cards....PB&J is good, right? :)

  5. Oooops re the leftovers:)
    Atticus is such a cool name.
    Fab cards..a chicken with chicken pox, who'd a thought lol.
    Love the little dino and the sentiment is too funny, Would certainly cheer me up.
    Jenny x

  6. Your cards are adorable, Love the 'spotty' chick! Sounds like you need a higher bench or a smaller dog (he must be the size of a horse... )at least he has good taste in food!

  7. Your fiesta chicken story made me giggle! Read this -> EnchantINK "A Sad Post" (3rd last paragraph) to understand why!!!
    Oh ... I would love to see that comfy bed and fluffy pillow too! But ... he is kinda cute just sitting there. More of a focus! These are both adorable, Jen! Hugs xxaxx


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