
Thursday, June 16, 2011


The Colour Throwdown has a bright and summery colour combo this week.  I don't have any SU Kiwi Kiss paper and now that I'm looking at the card I really didn't get that green right at all!  Oh well.  Such is life.  I still like the card and given how much effort it took to find a green ink that was close to the green paper I had, I'm gonna give the card it's moment in the sun!  
The flower and sentiment are from Paper Smooches and the chevron stripe is from - you guessed it! - PTI's Background Basics: Chevron Stripes!  First time for all of them seeing ink which I was pleased with.  Trying to give every stamp it's turn!  :)  Have a great evening!


  1. Girl I just love what your doing with the paper smooches stamps. So cute! I had to go check out the color throwdown site. Looks fun!

  2. Yeah, that cheecky grin is too cute, I think it needs a moment to shine!

  3. He looks like he's used the the spotlight already :) Brilliant card Jen
    Thanks for your comments...I'm sure 'kick ass' is fine:D
    Jenny x

  4. The green may not be a perfect match ... but your combo still rocks! Super cute! Hugss xxaxx

  5. Awww, what an adorable card! The smiling flower is so cheerful :)

  6. So it Jen and yes you guessed right that Karen designed my blog header!

  7. What a fantastic CAS design! I LOVE how you used the inspiration colours! (they look too difficult for me) AND how totally fab is that sentiment... mmmm might have to place another order!

  8. I love this, Jen! Look at all your new stamps!! Love how you combined them. This card makes me smile (and I might have to get those flower stamps)!


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