
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Soapbox Creations Challenge

The lovely and talented Laurie of Soapbox Creations has come up with a fun CASEing challenge.  We are to find inspiration from another card - but not a crafty card - a store bought one.  I felt a bit like a spy skulking around the card aisle at the drug store and taking photos of cards!  Here's the card I chose and my take on it:

Supplies: Stamps: Paper Source & Hero Arts; Inks: Memento Tuxedo Black & SU Pacific Point;  Copics; McGill Craftivity punch
I liked the bright colours and the grid patterns of the store card.  I didn't stray very far from it with my CASE but I like the end result!  :)

The rain held off until the move was finished thank goodness.  Now it's yucky and cold and windy so I think we're going to hunker down on the sofa for a bit and watch a movie - if we can squeeze in with the dogs that is!  


  1. Lovely CAS design...wonderful coloring!

  2. Doesn't this just remind all of us why we make cards??!! Yours is so vibrant and fun - the other looks "blah"!

  3. Such a fun and colorful card, great CASE!

  4. Your card is so Amazingly close to the original...I had to double take to see if they were different! very nice!

  5. What a great case of the original! I really like all the color!

  6. So fun Jen, great CASE of the original.

  7. Jen, I love your card! Love how you used the same images on your card as the store bought one!

  8. This is super sweet! I love grid patters - perfect for CAS cards. Very lovely!


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