
Monday, April 4, 2011

A Blissful Day in the Craft Cave

Thankfully there were no emergency calls from work today.  Whoo hoo!   Instead I spent a blissful day in the Craft Cave.  I pulled out Crate Paper's Sweet Branch paper collection to make a card for this week's JUGS sketch challenge and ended up with 4 cards.   

This is the actual card for the challenge.  

And these are the other 3 I came up with.

The paper collection came with a sheet of die cuts, a set of brads and a few ribbons.  Lots of Glossy Accents and a bit of Stickles going on with these cards which, unfortunately, you can't really see in the pictures.  They're shiny and sparkly in real life though!  :)   

A gorgeous day today after a weekend of strong north winds.  We actually had to pull the space heaters back out last night.  I thought we'd seen the last of them for a while but no such luck.  It will probably be chilly tonight too as it's been such a clear day.  The hounds spent most of the day sunbathing although they got up for a couple of games of ball and at one point I caught Jem stalking a bird!  LOL!  Maybe he was a cat in his past life...  Must try and get a picture of that - he looked hilarious!

Have a great evening!


  1. You've been a busy bee! Hope those winds stay away! We have them the colors of the papers!

  2. That would be a hilarious picture! Your cards are great, of course, I can see the continuity but each is so different too!

  3. Great cards! Don't you just love the fickle weather this time of year!?! Great DP.

  4. Wow! Four cards in one day. You were on a roll and they are so cute too.

  5. Oh my! All such wonderful cards. Loving the blingy bling on your first card! Thanks so much for playing with Just Us Girls!

  6. Well aren't you a crafting machine! Fabulous cards. They are all so wonderfully bright and cheery. :)

  7. LOL, that would make a great photo! I love the papers you used for these cards. My favourite is the second one!

  8. I ADORE all of these cards in similar color and pattern {note to self: I NEED that paper!}... Yowza! What a beautiful PRODUCTION! LOVE, love, love your use of the JUGS sketch! Thanks for sharing your talent with US! Yee Haw!

  9. Such pretty cards!!! I adore the color scheme you used for all of them! They're just so darn fun and cheery!!! Thanks so much for playing along with CR84FN!!! Great take on the challenge colors!


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