
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Liebster Blog Award

While I was away last month, Kim of Joyful Creations with Kim awarded me the Liebster Blog Award and explained what I have to do upon receipt:

1. Let me know if you accept 
2. Post the image on your blog 
3. Link back to my blog
4. Choose 3-5 blogs that you like, preferably lesser known blogs to give them some traffic!!

Kim, many thanks and I am thrilled to accept the award!  Kim explained that the object of the award is to point out blogs that are fairly new.  She mentioned that she and I started blogging around the same time (the end of 2010) and I have to confess I didn't realise Kim was that new to blogging.  Not only are her cards gorgeous but her blog rocks.  She has a great feature called Friday Focus where she gives tutorials on different products and design techniques.  They have step by step instructions and photos and I've put quite a few of her ideas to use.

Now for my nominees.  The blogs I've chosen were all started in 2010 (which makes them "fairly new" in my book!) and (like Kim's choices) have less than 100 followers:

Just Made From Paper - Agnieszka doesn't blog very often but it's worth checking in regularly to see her cards when she does post.  Her cards are fun and colourful and this maze card is super cool. 

Hownowbrownkow - I love all the bright colours Keva uses and she also has an impressive sentiment collection.  Love this star card.   

Jay Gee's Nook - Not only does Jay Gee post fabulous cards on her blog but she also has an online store and runs a monthly challenge!  How cute is this paper-pieced fish card?  

My Paper Secret - Ok, so Cristina has more than 100 followers but her blog was started in 2010 and I love her designs.  This card is my favourite - the bold colours and the shading on the birds rock.  

Share the love and check out these ladies!


  1. Jen!!! Thank you so much. You're too sweet.

  2. Congrats, Jen! I'm familiar with Cristina's work but I will check out the other two blogs.

  3. Thank you so much for the award Jen :) I have passed it on.

  4. Thank you so much for your award, Jen! i'm flattered!


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