
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Funky Fun Foam

While our vacation was wonderful, it unfortunately coincided with a whole lot of fun stuff going on over at Papertrey Ink.  Looks like I missed lots of challenges and prizes but I'm ready to join in now!  The new Make It Monday challenges look really fun and this week is Creating with Fun Foam.  It just so happens that when I did a tidy up the other day I found a big tub of Fun Foam die cut shapes that I must have bought about 3 years ago.  Bonus!  So I pulled out my PTI Little Bitty Bird dies and stamps and made a Bitty Bird rainbow.  I love this set.  The birds are super cute and I can see them getting a lot of use.     
Supplies: Card Blank: Handy Hippo; Die: PTI Little Bitty Bird; Stamps: PTI birds, Hero Arts sentiment; Ink: StazOn Jet Black, SU Perfect Plum
Since it was such a grey, chilly day I continued with the rainbow theme and made another birthday card for my stash using PTI stamps and ColorBox inks.  Love how those bright colours cheer up a gloomy day!


  1. Such a clever use of fun foam. ;-) Great job!

  2. You fun foam birds are wonderful! I avoided this challenge because I really didn't think I could make fun foam work well on a card - but you proved me wrong!

  3. This is so cute, I just love the birds in the fun foam!

  4. Great card; I love the bright colors!

  5. These cards make me squeal with delight! They are so bright and cute.

  6. oh my goodness, i just love those adorable birdies all lined up! what a great C&S look. love it!!

  7. Sooo cute! I love those birds! Both cards are so adorable Jen!


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