
Monday, March 14, 2011

Another Missed Challenge

Doh!!!  So I made a few cards for the ColourQ challenge last week and did I remember to post them on the blog?  Of course not.  Talk about blond moments.  They seem to be occurring more and more regularly these days...  *Sigh*  I really loved the colour combo and I know it's too late to enter them now but I thought I'd post them anyway and let them see the light!


  1. I think they're fab!! I really like the big, bright flower!

  2. Hee, hee, I do that a lot too! Your three cards are fabulous, they really portray the colors so well!

  3. These are so cute, though! I especially like that last one. Yummy white space. And I just saw your comment on my blog and wanted to tell you that I was *thisclose* to using pink baker's twine. Haha. The yellow was sitting out on my desk, so I held it up and liked it enough to use it. Pure luck.

  4. Ahh...happiness...I love the first one...the big flower makes me happy!

  5. It always amazes me Jen how the one bit of inspiration can result in such different cards! You used the colours so well - great cards.

  6. Jen, all three of these are fabulous! You are so good at colour challenges!!

  7. Oh my...these are simply fantastic!!!!! Thanks for the snowflake die referral:)


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