
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

4 Crafty Chicks & Inkspirations

I've been making note of a lot of challenges for the last couple of weeks and not actually getting around to creating anything for them.  Part of the reason is I feel like I've been inundated with sketch challenges!  I find that I really struggle with them and tend to avoid them.  Colour and theme challenges are my favourites.  However, I decided to push myself today and combined this week's 4 Crafty Chicks colour challenge with the sketch challenge at Inkspirations.

Here's what I ended up with:   

Cardstock: SU Basic Grey, Pretty in Pink & Concord Crush; Stamp: Fiskars; Ink: VersaMark; Other: Ranger embossing powder, Basic Grey gems, Cuttlebug EF and PTI IP, Diamond Glaze
I'm not much of a pink girl usually (especially a pale pink) but I fought my anti-pink tendencies and went for it!  I embossed the pink cardstock with a Cuttlebug embossing folder, punched out purple circles to fill in some of the dots and then added Diamond Glaze to them.  I also added a DG border around the sentiment.  It's a start but I still have a long way to go with these sketch things.  I find I take them very literally and have to try and relax and let myself play with them a bit.  Guess I'll just have to make more cards to practice...  :)   


  1. Wow, this would've been a tough combination for me but you rocked it! I love the glaze you put around the flower and in those embossed circles.

  2. Great sentiment and use of the challenges. Thanks so much for joining us at Inkspirations this week :)

  3. Funky card! I LOVE the purple diamond glazed circles! :)

  4. Great card, Jen! I especially love the embossed panel with the glazed dots on it - very cool! Thanks for playing with us at the 4CC!

  5. And I guess that's why a challenge is a challenge! :) Good job on both... I never thought to punch out circles to fill in the embossed circles. Clever!

  6. I love that stamped embossed image, very nice. Thanks for playin!

    Leanne DT 4 Crafty Chicks!

  7. Great job on combining the two challenges Jen! Love the diamond glaze on the border of the sentiment panel & the groupings of bling. :)


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