
Monday, January 31, 2011

The Play Date Cafe Challenge 66

This week's Play Date Cafe Challenge is a colour splash challenge - black and white with a splash of lilac (or any shade of purple).  I love that lilac flower!  I went with a flower theme for my card (seems to be a trend for me with PDCC) but I stamped my flowers with white ink on black paper.
Supplies: Card Blank: The Stamp Pad Co; Stamps: PTI Beautiful Blooms II & Birthday Sentiments; Ink: SU Whisper White;  Other: Copic BV13, Misc gems, Pop Dots
Unfortunately the images came out looking slightly more grey than white (and even more so in the pictures).  I think I may need to experiment with some other white inks.  However, I still like it - kind of looks like a black and white picture.  

And here's a full colour picture to leave you with.  This was taken around 5pm.  Love the late afternoon light and the criss-crosses on the water - looks kind of like Hero Arts envelope pattern stamp no?


  1. Jen, Seriously this card is absolutely AMAZING! Those flowers look like they will pop off the paper! I think you're a winner at the PDCC!! And yes..that picture does look like the HA Envelope pattern...I've been thinking about that stamp!

  2. What a pretty card, love the gems in the center. If you ever find a great white ink, please do share! I've been searching and can't find one with great, even coverage.

  3. Jen, I have that same problem with the SU white craft ink. I found that I have to use white embossing powder and a heat tool to really make it white-white. Anyway, I still love your card and the composition of it all! Thanks for joining us at The Play Date Cafe. :D

  4. Sweet design, Jen! Love that pop of purple on the flower middles! So eye catching! Thanks for playing along with us at the Play Date Cafe!

  5. Jen this is so lovely! Great idea for white stamping on black :) Thanks for playing along at the Play Date Cafe this week!

  6. This is gorgeous, Jen! I love your flowers and the bling is perfect. You are so right about nature's envelope pattern! I'd like both the stamp and your view. ;)

  7. OOh lovely card! So so pretty! Thanks for playing along with us at the Play Date Cafe!

  8. Oh, I love how that white ink looks on that black paper, such a cool effect. So glad you joined us at The Play Date Cafe.


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