
Saturday, January 29, 2011

ColourQ Challenge #69

It's been a crazy week at work and I haven't gotten into the Craft Cave since Monday.  I spent a good couple of hours in there today puttering around and tidying up and even managed to make a few cards!  :)  Hopefully I'll get in there a bit more on Monday but that may be it for a while as next weekend Luis and I are off on our belated honeymoon!  (Only 9 months late...)  This will be the first holiday that Luis and I have been on that doesn't involve staying with family or friends and we're really looking forward to it.  Not that we don't enjoy visiting with everyone because we've had some fabulous trips to the Azores, Toronto and Chicago but when you're a house guest it's never really a vacation is it?  You're in the middle of someone else's life and invariably end up on their schedule.  This trip we can do whatever we want, whenever we want without having to coordinate with anyone else.  And it's still cold and yucky here so we're ready for some warmth and sunshine!  :)

The card I made today is for ColourQ Challenge #69.  I looked at a few of this week's sketch challenges for layouts but nothing sparked any grand ideas.  All I knew was I wanted to use some of the new Hero Arts stamps that arrived in my mailbox this week so I went with a pretty tried and true layout:
Supplies: Card Blank: Hero Arts; Cardstock: Misc white cardstock, SU Rich Razzleberry, Cajun Craze,  Peach Parfait; Stamps: Hero Arts; Ink: SU Rich Razzleberry, Cajun Craze,  Peach Parfait 
I love the retro images from this Hero Arts stamp set and these colours are fun so I made a couple more similar cards to give to a friend as a gift set.  I may even go back and make a few more...

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. This card rocks! Love your interpretation of the colors, the image and sentiment are just too fun and your layout is awesome. Have a great honeymoon. (Still waiting for mine, and we've been married nine years. Guess that's what happens when you marry three days before Christmas.)

  2. Wow! How fabulous! Have a great time on your'll have to let us know where you are headed! Pat and I were just talking tonight that we need to go back to Bermuda for a celebration of our honeymoon/20th anniversary in about 18 months! We might head to England to see my family instead..but Bermuda is definitely on our list to get back. Even better that I would get to meet you. Back to your this..those fans are very fun!

  3. I love your card, Jen! That is a great set to use and I love the colours, too. Too bad we didn't already know each other when you were in Toronto! I would've loved to have met you. Have a GREAT time on your honeymoon. Where are you off to? :)

  4. What a fabulous card! That fan stamp is awesome, perfect with your sentiment. Great use of this weeks colours, thanks for playing along with us at ColourQ. :)

  5. What a cool card, Jen! Thanks for playing the ColourQ challenge agian this week.

  6. Enjoy your honeymoon!! And this card is super - love the fan image and verse.

  7. Beautiful work from your "Craft Cave" - I loved that phrase! TFS!
    Mama LoveBug from LoveBug Creations

  8. LOVE this-----we actually have a fan that looks like this but DH won't let me use it as the cord gets so hot, it's not much help!! Thanks for playing with us at the CQC this week!

  9. So fun, Jen! Your card made me smile, great use of the colors. Thanks for playing at colourQ this week! :)

  10. Love the classic layout with the retro images! Have a great honeymoon! Thanks for playing at ColourQ this week!

  11. Congratulations on being Color Queen Courtier, Jen!! If I don't get to talk to you before you leave for vacation, have an absolutely wonderful time and be safe!


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