
Monday, January 3, 2011

OLW Boot Camp - 1 image, 1 sentiment, 2 colours

I spent today doing a major Challenge Catch-Up as I didn't get into the Craft Cave at all on Saturday and Sunday.  Luis and I ended up doing a New Year's clean - house, yard, car and bike.  On Saturday I tackled the house while Luis worked outside.  The yard was a disaster.  We've had storm force winds on and off for the last week and the yard looked worse than it did after Hurricane Igor passed through in September.  Sunday we worked on the car and bike.  I really need to clean the car more than once every six months.  :)  It took over an hour just to vacuum the inside - three dogs can wreak havoc on car upholstery.  The outside had a ridiculous layer of salt on it from all the wind and sea spray.  Today, with everything all clean and shiny I felt okay about some crafty time.  (Since we cleaned the car and bike it rained of course so another good reason to hide away in the Cave!)    

I recently discovered the blog Styles Ink and the One Layer Wednesday challenges.  I love it!  I thought it would be so easy working in such a minimalist manner but it really is a challenge and I can't wait for the next one.  I came up with a few different cards for this week's challenge - 1 image, 1 sentiment, 2 colours.
Supplies: Card Blank: Handy Hippo; Stamps: PTI Dot Spot, PTI Asian Fusion sentiment; Ink: SU Melon Mambo, Versafine Black

Supplies: Card Blank: Handy Hippo; Stamps; Hero Arts Tree, PTI Asian Fusion sentiment; Ink: SU Tangerine Tango, SU Night of Navy

Supplies: Card Blank: Handy Hippo; Stamps: See D's background, Hero Arts sentiment; Ink: Color Box: Purple. SU Grey

I'm not super-excited about any of them.  Like I said, this turned out to be more of a challenge than I expected.  I'm going to try a few more because I want to come up with one that I love.  I love an excuse to keep playing!



  1. Ohh..I have been thinking about this challenge and can't figure out what to do. I LOVE your first one! Great job!

  2. Looks like you had fun with this :)

    Your cards are all just lovely!

    Great job on the challenge and thanks for playing along with OLW34!


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