
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sweet Stop Challenge 88 & My Learning Curve

My first entry for a Sweet Stop challenge.  I've been checking the sketches out each week for a couple of months now but this is my first attempt:

Supplies:  Card blank:  Handy Hippo;  Card Stock:  Paperbilities;  Patterned Paper: No clue!;  Stamps:  Hero Arts bird, Elzybells sentiment; Ink:  Versafine black & Vintage Photo Distress ink;  Die:  Woodware; Other:  Ikandee twine

I don't love it but I decided to post it anyway and here's why:  
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I often get overwhelmed by too much craft stash to choose from and end up freezing up and not making anything.  My other problem, or maybe it's really part of the same thing, is my fear of screwing up.  I know that there's no right and wrong when it comes to art and creativity but I  have spent my life being crippled by a fear of imperfection.  School was torture for me - the specter of failure was always looming over me.  I was a top student but I certainly never felt like one.  I was always waiting to be "found out" - not as good as people thought.  I haven't done a lot of things in my life because I didn't think I'd "do it right".  I've never been any good at practicing or training at things to improve - if I couldn't do it right the first time I didn't want to do it.  
Recently, I've been working hard to overcome this.  Back in June a friend started dragging me to her rugby club's pre-season fitness sessions.  I have never been fit or sporty - rather I have always been on the chubby side.  I've joined gyms and tried other activities occasionally but never stuck with anything.  I don't know what made me hang in there this time but I did.  At that first session I couldn't run once around the track at the stadium.  When I stopped training in November (due to injury) I could run 2 1/2 miles - on a hilly route no less!  The first time I completed it I was ecstatic.  I had finally set myself a goal, worked towards it and reached it and it felt great.
I am now turning that goal setting to card making.  Instead of not making a card because I don't think I'll be able to execute my vision I am going to just do it.  If it doesn't come out as I had hoped then I'll use it as a learning experience and hopefully the next one will be a little closer to what is in my head.  As with the running I will only get better if I just keep making more cards.  I would love to feel that all my cards are perfect but they won't be no matter what. So I'm going to continue to post cards that I love and also those that I don't love so much.  If nothing else, I want to be able to look back in a few months and see some general improvement in my skills and hopefully that will continue to spur me on to keep learning and experimenting.   


  1. Jen! Thank you for sharing! We have similar experiences with exercise! I had never run in my life up until three years ago. One of my friends said she wanted to run a 5k so I said I woud do it with her. I was beyond thrilled when I did it and have stuck with it. Keep going!! Just like running you will see yourself change your style and what you like to create! Your paper piercing on this card is AMAZING! Keep sharing!

  2. such a cute card, I luv the design...have a super day!

    enjoy *~*

  3. I liked how you ended your post because I have similar feelings about my cards too. I figure making something is better than not making something. If I end up with a card that I'm not a huge fan of, at least it's practice. Keep on creating! Cute bird card you have there :)

  4. Cool bird stamp. I love how you cut the oval so the tails hang over the edge!


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