
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Vintage Santa


Today's card is for the Inspired By... challenge.  I love the vintage look of the picture but I don't have any stamps that really fit that aesthetic.  I have a few sheets of vintage looking patterned paper but have always found them really busy and could never work out how to use them.  Enter Lisa Elton's card which gave me the perfect inspiration for what to do with them!  I think I'll end up with a stack of similar cards that makes use of some of the papers (Christmas and otherwise) that I just don't know what to do with.  Thanks so much, Lisa!

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Papertrey Ink, (Real Red, Basic Black) Stampin' Up, (Green) Bazzill
Patterned Paper:  (Mistletoe Memories 8x8) Daisy D's
Stamps:  (Christmas) Winnie & Walter
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko,
Embossing Powder: (Opaque Bright White Super Fine) Wow
Other:  (Nuvo Aqua Shimmer Glitter Gloss) Tonic


  1. I LOve vintage Santa - looks like he's got his hands full there!
    Thanks so much for playing cards with us, Jen!! xx

  2. BRAVO Jen!! Thanks for the sweet comment this morning and the shout out here. I'm so happy I inspired you to dig into that paper stash! Thanks so much for joining us at IB this week!

  3. This is absolutely adorable, love your tags and vintage Santa, CUTE card! Thank you for inspiring us @ IB this week!


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