
Friday, May 8, 2020

Welcome Home

I'm popping in with a last minute entry for the AAA Card Challenge where we have to use 1 image with the optional twist inspired by TV.  We often have HGTV on in the background when we're puttering around the house and Fixer Upper is on quite regularly.  When Chip and Joanna show their clients their new house they always say, "Welcome home."  

Funny story about Fixer Upper - I caught the end of an episode a few weeks ago and thought the husband from the couple whose house was being renovated looked very familiar.  Turns out that's because he was my first boyfriend!  I remembered afterwards that
his family was originally from Texas (they lived here in Bermuda for a couple of years) and he went to university at Baylor so its not surprising he's ended up back in Waco.  So weird to see someone pop up out of the blue who I haven't thought about in forever.  Know what's even weirder?  That makes 3 boys I've kissed who have turned up on reality tv shows.  Either there are too many reality shows or I kissed too many boys in my youth!

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Papertrey Ink, (Pistachio Pudding, Basic Grey, Basic Black) Stampin' Up
Stamp:  (Sentiment from Warm Welcome) SugarPea
Ink:  (Pistachio Pudding) Stampin' Up
Die:  (Welcome, house) SugarPea
Other:  (Nuvo Oyster Grey Crystal Drops) Tonic


  1. Very pretty and super CAS card, I love the colours too. Thank you for playing at AAA Cards.

  2. Perfect one image card! Thank you for playing at AAA Cards!

  3. Jen, I find that so unbelievably amazing... THREE??? Dare I ask- who are the other two??
    I love your teensy home and that great big welcoming WELCOME!

  4. Superb CAS card and a great design. Thanks for playing at AAA Cards, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Keep safe, stay home and craft instead!

  5. hahaha totally made me laugh out loud! I don't think any of my exes has been in a reality TV show at all..... I musta done something wrong lol. ps Great CAS design my friend!

  6. Oh yay, most of my exes still live in the same town I do - one of them is the husb's doctor. @_@
    What a delightfully perfect CAS card this is!

  7. I love everything about this card Jen! The little house is adorable and this is another one of your great collection of sentiments (I need to go shopping!) The colours are fantastic too.

    As for the three - THREE?! - boys you've kissed that turned up on TV reality shows... I'm saying nothing!!!
    Vicky x


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