
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Thanks Balloon

Hello there!

Its been almost a month since my last post although it feels like a lot longer than that.  The summer is flying by but thankfully we got to slow down for two weeks when we went to visit Luis's family in the Azores.  It was the most chilled holiday we've had in a VERY long time.  We did lots of eating and hanging out with his family and I burned through 7 books which was wonderful especially as most of them were fantastic and highly recommendable!  Now we're back home and I must say I'm feeling a lot more calm and relaxed about life than I did before I left.

As for crafting its taken me a bit of time to get back into the swing of it after such a long break but I feel like I'm finally hitting my stride.  Today's card was inspired by two challenges - CAS Colours and Sketches and The Library Challenge (thanks for pointing this one out to me, Michele!).  I'd never heard of this Jules Verne book before and don't know the story so I took my inspiration from the cover.  It seemed to lend itself perfectly to the sketch at CASC&S and I knew those Papertrey Ink stripes would be just the ticket for creating my sky.



  1. Hi Jen - I got your message and I linked your card up for you...there may have been a problem with the Linky Tool but it's okay now.

    I love the bold, modern, graphic look of this - the background stripes give it a real feeling of movement. Thanks for joining The Library.

  2. So cool, Jen! Love the use of that die for this sketch (definitely a "why didn't I think about this" moment). Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  3. Welcome Back! I'm so glad you had a chilled Summer holiday (wink), sometimes that is the best thing we can do for ourselves. Loving your fabulous bold bright card design it makes me happy! ps I hope our Winter goes as quick as your Summer lol.

  4. Welcome back, Jen! I'm so happy to hear you had a wonderful vacation!!! I'd love to know which books you read while you were away. I'm always on the lookout for new (to me) good reads :) Your card is fantastic! I love how you used the stripes for your sky---gives it the feeling that the balloon is lifting upward :)

  5. You, and this Challenge are a perfect fit, Jen! Love your 'sky' and the great lift it gives your balloon!
    Now. can I borrow your beautiful balloon? [just kidding] I swear I had one once upon a time but, darned if I can find it!

  6. Very nice greeting card. Martina - Visiting Librarian

  7. Sounds like the perfect holiday! Glad you were able to come back rested and relaxed. It's tough to get the card thing going again after that kind of break though! Looks like you're just fine with this one. ;) The blue stripes add fun movement to the card.

  8. Awesome card, the minute I saw it I thought of this test you would get at the eye doctor , where you look at the hotair balloon, but I work in eye care so it might be just me. Thanks for joining us at CC&S.


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